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星露谷物语全物品代码用法 全物品代码一览

时间:2017-04-19 10:46:33
  • 来源:xjjy0021
  • 作者:白小白
  • 编辑:ChunTian

401: "Straw Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String

402: "Sweet Pea/50/0/Basic -80/A fragrant summer flower." #!String

403: "Field Snack/20/18/Crafting/A quick snack to fuel the hungry forager." #!String

404: "Common Mushroom/40/15/Basic -81/Slightly nutty, with good texture." #!String

405: "Wood Path/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String

406: "Wild Plum/80/10/Basic -81/Tart and juicy with a pungent aroma." #!String

407: "Gravel Path/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String

408: "Hazelnut/90/12/Basic -81/That's one big hazelnut!" #!String

409: "Crystal Path/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String

410: "Blackberry/20/10/Basic -79/An early-fall treat." #!String

411: "Cobblestone Path/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String

412: "Winter Root/70/10/Basic -81/A starchy tuber." #!String

413: "Blue Slime Egg/5/-300/Basic/Can be hatched in a slime incubator." #!String

414: "Crystal Fruit/150/25/Basic -79/A delicate fruit that pops up from the snow." #!String

416: "Snow Yam/100/12/Basic -81/This little yam was hiding beneath the snow." #!String

417: "Sweet Gem Berry/3000/-300/Basic -17/It's by far the sweetest thing you've ever smelled." #!String

418: "Crocus/60/0/Basic -80/A flower that can bloom in the winter." #!String

419: "Vinegar/100/5/Basic/An aged fermented liquid used in many cooking recipes./drink" #!String

420: "Red Mushroom/75/-20/Basic -81/A spotted mushroom sometimes found in caves." #!String

421: "Sunflower/80/18/Basic -80/A common misconception is that the flower turns so it's always facing the sun." #!String

422: "Purple Mushroom/250/50/Basic -81/A rare mushroom found deep in caves." #!String

423: "Rice/100/5/Basic/A basic grain often served under vegetables." #!String

424: "Cheese/100/50/Basic -26/It's your basic cheese." #!String

425: "Fairy Seeds/100/-300/Seeds -74/Plant in fall. Takes 12 days to produce a mysterious flower. Assorted Colors." #!String

426: "Goat Cheese/200/50/Basic -26/Soft cheese made from goat's milk." #!String

427: "Tulip Bulb/10/-300/Seeds -74/Plant in spring. Takes 6 days to produce a colorful flower. Assorted colors." #!String

428: "Cloth/375/-300/Basic -26/A bolt of fine wool cloth." #!String

429: "Jazz Seeds/15/-300/Seeds -74/Plant in spring. Takes 7 days to produce a blue puffball flower." #!String

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