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星露谷物语全物品代码用法 全物品代码一览

时间:2017-04-19 10:46:33
  • 来源:xjjy0021
  • 作者:白小白
  • 编辑:ChunTian

310: "Maple Seed/5/-300/Crafting -74/Place this on your farm to plant a maple tree." #!String

311: "Pine Cone/5/-300/Crafting -74/Place this on your farm to plant a pine tree." #!String

313: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String

314: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String

315: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String

316: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String

317: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String

318: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String

319: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String

320: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String

321: "Weeds/50/-300/Crafting/..." #!String

322: "Wood Fence/1/-300/Crafting -8/Keeps grass and animals contained!" #!String

323: "Stone Fence/2/-300/Crafting -8/Lasts longer than a wood fence." #!String

324: "Iron Fence/6/-300/Crafting -8/Lasts longer than a stone fence." #!String

325: "Gate/4/-300/Crafting -8/Allows you to pass through a fence." #!String

326: "Dwarvish Translation Guide/50/-300/Crafting -8/Teaches you dwarvish." #!String

328: "Wood Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to decorate your floors." #!String

329: "Stone Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String

330: "Clay/20/-300/Basic -16/Used in crafting and construction." #!String

331: "Weathered Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String

333: "Crystal Floor/1/-300/Crafting -24/Place on the ground to create paths or to spruce up your floors." #!String

334: "Copper Bar/60/-300/Basic -15/A bar of pure copper." #!String

335: "Iron Bar/120/-300/Basic -15/A bar of pure iron." #!String

336: "Gold Bar/250/-300/Basic -15/A bar of pure gold." #!String

337: "Iridium Bar/1000/-300/Basic -15/A bar of pure iridium." #!String

338: "Refined Quartz/50/-300/Basic -15/A more pure form of quartz." #!String

340: "Honey/200/-300/Basic -26/It's a sweet syrup produced by bees." #!String

341: "Tea Set/200/-300/Basic -24/Fine porcelain." #!String

342: "Pickles/100/-300/Basic -26/A jar of your home-made pickles." #!String

343: "Stone/100/-300/Basic/Stone." #!String

344: "Jelly/160/-300/Basic -26/Gooey." #!String

346: "Beer/200/20/Basic -26/Drink in moderation./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String

347: "Rare Seed/200/-300/Seeds -74/Sow in fall. Takes all season to grow." #!String

348: "Wine/400/20/Basic -26/Drink in moderation./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String

349: "Energy Tonic/500/200/Crafting/Restores a lot of energy./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String

350: "Juice/150/30/Basic -26/A sweet, nutritious beverage./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String

351: "Muscle Remedy/500/20/Crafting/When you've pushed your body too hard, drink this to remove 'Exhaustion'./drink/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0" #!String

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