PS5拥有超过5000万玩家,加上PS4、PS3、PSV用户,索尼在PSN上拥有大约1.2亿用户。这1.2亿用户都依赖PSN(The PlayStation Network)才能游玩,购买游戏。然而,不幸的是,最近PSN已经陷入了严重的瘫痪,至今已经宕机了23小时。 关于PSN全球中断,昨天已经报道。索尼也迅速做出回应,并表示将调查此事,但此后未发表任何官方声明。 根据PlayStation状态页面,帐户管理、PlayStation商店、游戏等服务都受到了影响。实际上,PS4和PS5主机上的所有内容都受到了影响。许多用户甚至报告说,由于缺乏在线连接,他们失去了对数字游戏的访问权限,导致很多玩家认为实体媒介在当今数字化时代仍然很重要。这对全面数字化的Xbox来说,可能是一个预警。当在线服务器瘫痪时,大多数玩家会
Hello Civ fans,Today we're pushing out a small patch to address some immediate Advanced Access game issues. We are reading and collecting all of your player feedback, and while we'll have more to share on future patches at a later time, you can read our latest blog post (link) to learn more about what we're prioritizing for the game in the meantime.Today's p