谁说女子不如男 游戏中十大女强人经典语录
- 来源:电玩巴士
- 作者:liyunfei
- 编辑:ChunTian
7. Chun Li (街霸系列)
经典语录:“别担心,我认为我并没有永久的损坏任何东西。(Don’t worry. I didn’t damage anything permanently, I think。)”
Chun Li
6. Faith Connors (镜之边缘)
经典语录:“官方称这些改变,监察,禁止与规章是为了更好。但是好并不意味着对。(The authorities said the changes, the monitoring, banning and regulations, were for the greater good. But good, isn’t the same as right)”
Faith Connors
5. Jill Valentine (生化系列)
经典语录:“当正义的车轮始动,无人能将其阻止,这是浣熊市最后的机会,是我最后的机会,是我最后一次逃避。(It’s true that once the wheels of justice begin to turn, nothing can stop them… nothing. It was Raccoon City’s last chance… and MY last chance. My last escape…)”
Jill Valentine
4. Sheik/Princess Zelda (塞尔达传说系列)
经典语录: “时间流逝,物是人非,就好像涌动的河流,永无终焉。幼稚的心智将变得高尚,青年的爱慕将变得深刻。清澈之水折射着成长(Time passes, people move… Like a river’s flow, it never ends… A childish mind will turn to noble ambition… Young love will become deep affection… The clear water’s surface reflects growth…)”
Sheik/Princess Zelda
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