石油骚动部分界面汉化详解 部分界面英汉对照
- 来源:未知
- 作者:Viiaa
- 编辑:Viiaa

mayorstip_body_1 = Pipes don’t have to reach the bottom of an oil patch. Once connected, the oil pocket will be completely emptied.
mayorstip_body_1 =管不需要达到一个油田的底部。一旦连接,油袋将被完全清空。
mayorstip_body_2 = Make sure to always pay a visit to Daphne’s saloon. The offers there change from year to year.
mayorstip_body_2 =确保参观达芙妮轿车。提供每年有变化。
mayorstip_body_3 = Oil is only pumped as fast as the narrowest pipe in a chain can handle. Make sure all pipes in a chain are sufficiently upgraded for the most efficient oil flow. Gaps in oil flow indicate unused capacity.
mayorstip_body_3 =油只抽尽链中的窄管可以处理。确保链中所有的管道都有足够的升级为最有效的油流。油流中的间隙表示未使用容量。
mayorstip_body_4 = If you don’t see oil in uncovered ground below a waving dowser, wait a while for the ground level to rise more.
mayorstip_body_4 =如果你没有看到油在裸露地面下面飘扬的挡光板,等一会儿地面上升。
mayorstip_body_5 = Earn 1000 dollar bonuses for getting all the oil, selling all the oil, and withdrawing your land lease early.
mayorstip_body_5 =赚1000美元奖金让所有的油,卖油,并收回土地租赁早期。
mayorstip_body_6 = If a dowser with all the depth upgrades walks out of the screen, it means that there are no more new untapped oil pockets in the ground.
mayorstip_body_6 =如果所有深度升级探矿者走出屏幕,这意味着不再有新的未开发石油的口袋在地上。
mayorstip_body_7 = If you’re running out of silo space, don’t forget you can also use your wagons to store oil.
mayorstip_body_7 =如果你耗尽仓空间,别忘了你也可以用你的车店油。
mayorstip_body_8 = Drilling around rocks can be cheaper than spending money on the rig upgrade. Keep in mind however that longer pipelines are more expensive to upgrade.
mayorstip_body_8 =钻孔周围岩可比花钱在钻机的提升。请记住,但是,更长的管道更昂贵的升级。
mayorstip_body_9 = Connecting pipes from an upgraded rig to pipes from a non-upgraded rig will copy all the upgrades to the new network. This can be cheaper than paying for the upgrades separately.
mayorstip_body_9 =连接管从升级钻机管非升级钻机将复制所有的升级到新的网络。这可以比单独支付升级更便宜。
mayorstip_body_10 = Cancel a scan in progress by clicking anywhere above ground. Or just click the right mouse button.
mayorstip_body_10 =取消扫描中点击任何地面。或者只需点击鼠标右键。
mayorstip_body_11 = Using gas to boost the oil price is most effective when you connect multiple gas pockets at the same time to Left or Right Inc. Using just one gas pocket at a time gives you only a short time to profit.
mayorstip_body_11 =用气推动石油价格是最有效的当你连接多个气囊同时向左或向右公司一次只使用一个气体的口袋里只给你短时间的利润。
mayorstip_body_12 = Try to build efficiently, leaving no empty space between silos, rigs and the factories. The less space you waste, the more will be left for oil storage in silos.
mayorstip_body_12 =尝试建立有效,离开筒仓间没有空的空间,设备和工厂。你浪费的空间越少,筒仓里的石油储备就越多。
mayorstip_body_13 = Gas is not only useful to boost the oil price, you can also dramatically increase the speed of oil flow. Connect a gas pocket to a pipeline that is getting oil, and make sure to have enough wagons to prevent spillage.
mayorstip_body_13 =气不仅是提振油价有用,你也可以极大地提高油流速度。连接气袋管道,获取石油,并确保有足够的车辆来防止溢出。
mayorstip_body_14 = Depleting all gas pockets gives you a 1000 dollar bonus. So even if you don’t use all gas pockets, it can still be profitable to empty them.
mayorstip_body_14 =消耗所有气体的口袋给你1000美元的奖金。因此,即使你不使用所有的气袋,它仍然可以是有利可图的空他们。
mayorstip_body_15 = Anthony is an expert on the location of the parcels with the most oil. He can be best used at the start of a new area, so try to save up a diamond so he can point out an oil-rich area in the middle of nowhere.
mayorstip_body_15 =安东尼是一个最具油包裹的定位专家。他可以用在新的地区开始,所以尽量节省钻石所以他可以指出在何处的一个石油资源丰富的地区。
mayorstip_body_16 = This is how gas pockets grow using the Thermal upgrade: first encircle a gas pocket with pipelines (1), then lock the individual joints (2). And then sit back and watch it grow! (3)
mayorstip_body_16 =这是气体的口袋增长使用热升级:第一圈气体口袋里的管道(1),然后锁定个别接头(2)。然后坐下来看着它成长!(3)
mayorstip_body_17 = Gas will not grow if you encircle more than one gas pocket with a single loop.
mayorstip_body_17 =气不会如果你包围多个气囊与单回路的成长。
mayorstip_body_18 = The ultimate way to profit from gas boosting: store up as much oil as possible, empty multiple gas pockets at the same time, and make use of the existing pipe network as much as possible.
mayorstip_body_18 =终极方法从气体增压利润:储存尽可能多的石油,同时空多气体的口袋,并利用现有的管网尽可能。
mayorstip_body_19 = At the end of the campaign, the player with the smallest share in the town has to leave. Their stocks are then auctioned off between the remaining players. This is repeated until someone has a 50% share or more.
mayorstip_body_19 =战役结束时,与镇上的份额最小的球员已经离开。他们的股票然后被拍卖剩余的球员之间的关系。这是重复的,直到有人有一个50%的份额或更多。
mayorstip_body_20 = When using the Thermal upgrade, the size of your loop is important. Give the gas pocket enough room to grow, but if the loop is too large, it will grow more slowly.
mayorstip_body_20 =使用热升级时,你的环的大小是很重要的。给气口袋足够的空间来增长,但如果循环太大,它会增长更缓慢。

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