- 类型:冒险游戏
- 发行:City Interactive
- 发售:2009-12-18
- 开发:City Interactive
- 语言:
- 平台:PC
- 标签:解谜
- 来源: azhewu
- 作者:一笑特傻
- 编辑:ChunTian
Head to the pot (on the right, by the tree stump near the count; zoom). Put the glued jug on the stump next to it. Take a look at the proportioner (top part of the pot; zoom). Try to put whichever fruit to a hole. Sylvie will come to a conclusion that she should know the recipe first. Talk with the count and he will tell the girl to go to an Indian in the village.
Head to the fork in the road and turn right to the uncovered stone by which you will find the man. You will learn that the relation between the unripe and ripe fruits on one side of the pot should be the same as the relation between ripe and overripe on the other side. After finishing the conversation, return to the platform and take another look at the pot (zoom).
Put 3 unripe fruits into the upper holes on the left and 2 ripe to the lower ones. Place 3 ripe fruits in the upper right holes and 2 overripe to the lower two. Time for the upper holes – the fruit drawing seen on the crater’s wall after taking the moss is a hint. As you probably remember, there was 1 overripe fruit and 2 ripe ones, so put them into the upper holes.
In the end put the herbs collected from near the landing zone to the bowl in the centre.
In effect of meeting the Brotherhood members, Sylvie and Saint Germain will get imprisoned. Fortunately, not for long. Talk with the count and then with the native, who will let you out. After getting out of the prison, speak with the count again and he’ll send Sylvie to the airship to get a pistol.
The platform passage is inaccessible so go to the village (left) and to the lowered bridge at its end (if you haven’t lowered it yet, do so with the lever next to it). Head left all the time until you reach the landing zone.
Climb up to the deck and approach the bunk on the left (zoom). Raise the pillow and take the count’s pistol. Lower yourself to the ground where Sylvie will hand over the gun to the man.
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