- 作者:不死鸟
- 编辑:ChunTian
It's rare that a game can hit the mark in so many different and oftenconflicting areas. Fallout 3 offers freedom without sacrificing afocused story. It delivers fantastic combat without forgoing a deeprole-playing system. The characters you meet are engaging andoftentimes hilarious without feeling out of place in this harsh world.The game has a few flaws -- most of them technical -- but it's a casewhere the whole is greater than the sum. It's a fantastic game withincredible atmosphere that offers fun in so many different ways thatyou're almost sure to get hooked. This is one of the best games you'llplay this year.
Yes, Fallout 3 is a lot like Oblivion (with guns!), butit's a superior game in nearly every way, as it features a moreengaging storyline, impeccable presentation, and hundreds of hours ofaddictive gameplay. While the jury is still out on whether or nothardcore Fallout enthusiasts will accept the game as part of the storied franchise, Fallout 3 is a must-have title for most RPG fans, as well as one of the finest games of this generation.
This is the kind of hugely ambitious game that doesn't come around veryoften, and when it does, you'd be a fool not to play it and enjoy thehell out of it and look forward to the day (next-next-gen?) when thefidelity of open-world RPGs takes another big step closer to theuncanny valley's far side.

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