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《Unrea World》获取食物方法,在凌冽的寒冬中生活下去吧!

时间:2012-11-26 20:28:38
  • 来源:siyan12
  • 作者:fcz1234
  • 编辑:塔尔

Trading 交易

 Trading easy-to-make goods such as wooden bowls or torches for flat rye bread or rye flour can be a very easy way to get food, provided that you find a village with a food shop. Version 3.13 has adjusted the values of traditionally easy-to-make trade goods like wooden bowls, but torches have taken their place.

 在村庄找到食品商店之后, 可以用一些容易制造的有价值物品,例如标枪,来交换食物,例如面包和面粉.

Foraging 采集

 The most basic method of getting food, Foraging simply entails picking up different kinds of edible plants. There are three kinds of edible plants in URW: berries, vegetables and mushrooms.

 最基础等觅食方式. 从各种可采集的植物上收集. 这些植物有: 浆果berries, 蔬菜vegetables , 蘑菇mushrooms.

Berries start ripening in summer, when blueberry bushes start growing. They grow until late autumn/winter. The different kinds of berries are:

 浆果夏天成熟, 秋末或冬天消失, 浆果的类型有:


 Northern bilberry






Both the cranberry and cloudberry can only be found in marshes. They are easy to find, but yield little in the way of food. However, it's an easy way to feed yourself day to day. Around 10 fistfuls are enough for one day.

 略. 大约10把浆果能吃一天.

In the normal course of a game, you will find little use for berries as they do not give much energy, and collecting them is tedious. Berries have little nutritional value when raw, but cooking them (producing berry porridge) increases their nutritional value. Berries also quench a small amount of thirst when eaten raw.

 浆果营养少, 烹饪为粥之后会有提升. 生浆果也可解渴

Another form of foraged food are mushrooms. There are many different kinds of mushroom in the game, ranging from delicious to deadly. Many a poisonous mushroom has meant the end of an otherwise successful character. Remember to boil all mushrooms before eating them, as chances are they will be poisonous otherwise, and never, ever even think of eating a sand mushroom.

 游戏中有各种蘑菇, 从美味的到致命的.  食用之前记得烹煮. 永远也不要食用沙蘑菇(sand mushroom)

Cannibalisim 食人

 If you REALLY need food, wander around until you find a NPC, like a hunter or woodsman. Then get a weapon, and either hide and hit or wait until they sleeps, and then kill them. Each human yeilds 30-45 cuts. NEVER try with forgein traders or Njegpezit

 最后, 还可以食人. 可以潜行击杀或者梦弑落单的NPC,例如猎人和樵夫. 人类可以割30-45块肉. 不要轻易攻击外国商人(forgein traders)或者Njegpezit


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