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《Unrea World》获取食物方法,在凌冽的寒冬中生活下去吧!

时间:2012-11-26 20:28:38
  • 来源:siyan12
  • 作者:fcz1234
  • 编辑:塔尔

If an animal runs, it is possible to find it again just by wandering on world map in the direction it ran in. However, this is very hit or miss, and not guaranteed to succeed as the animal does not always run in a straight line. It is possible to follow tracks left behind. By using the tracking skill when standing on top of tracks, the direction that the animal is travelling in can be determined.


Once you have encountered an animal on the zoomed in view, if it runs out of sight, it is possible to encounter it again on the zoomed-out map nearby.


Trapping 陷阱

 Perhaps one of the best ways to get food, trapping basically means setting traps in random locations and waiting for an animal to stumble into them. Traps are very easy to set up, and can yield huge rewards. One of the most popular types of trap is the trap-fence, a long line of fences and trap pits, designed to force animals (usually herbivores like forest reindeer or elk) into the pits.

可能是最好的觅食方式. 略. 容易设置, 收获潜力巨大. 陷阱-栏杆(trap-fence)是一种使用的陷阱布局. 就是栏杆和陷阱分布在一列上. 破事猎物掉入陷阱.

Trap-fences are set up as follows: 陷阱-栏杆布局如下图所示:


where = is a fence or obstacle and O is a pit

=是栏杆, O是陷阱

Naturally, there is a lot of individual variation on the precise spacing of the trap pits. The most common trap pit used is the trap pit with sharp stakes, as it often kills whatever animal stumbles into it, which is advisable if something dangerous such as a bear or lynx has been caught. However, if you don't have the time (or don't want to check the traps every few days) it may be more useful to set a plain trap pit as they incapacitate, rather than kill. Since corpses are wiped from the map after a period of time, this will give you a greater margin of time to kill them, and also provides skill gain. You cruel, cruel player.

 有多种陷阱. 最常用的是尖刺坑洞陷阱(the trap pit with sharp stakes). 因为猎物掉进去不死也残, 所以用来队伍危险猎物很方便. 但是, 如果你不想经常检查陷阱, 简单一些的坑洞陷阱(trap pit) 会比较合适, 因为猎物落入后不会收到太大伤害, 只会被困住, 在死亡腐烂前能有时间. 玩家亲自杀死被困猎物时还能提高技能点.

Traps can be baited with raw or cooked fish or meat. Predators are known to try to steal food from the player, and if food is placed on a trap, they will wander into it.

 生的或烹饪过得肉或鱼可以当做诱饵放置在陷阱上(通过扔动作[alt+t], 小心别择方向的时候踏入陷阱!) 肉食动物会偷玩家放置的食物, 也回被诱饵引入陷阱.

As of version 3.13, the game uses a much more realistic trapping simulation. The success of a trap is dependent on where and what kind of trap is used. If a trap does not catch anything for a month or so, it is highly unlikely that there are any animals nearby, and so the best course of action is to move them away. Different animals now prefer different types of terrain; for example, bears favour caves. Beginning hunters may want to set simple deadfalls and snare traps, as they catch small game far more efficiently. It is also a good idea to set traps where you see small game; if you see a fox in the area it is probably a good idea to set some fox traps. The Favourable Trap ritual also helps to attract more game to your traps.

 略. 陷阱的收获受陷阱类型, 布局, 大地图位置, 诱饵等影响. 如果长时间抓不到东西, 你最好换个地方. 熊通常在山东附近出没. 简单的deathfall和绳套陷阱(snare traps)能有效率的抓捕小型猎物, 因此更适合游戏的初始阶段. 在经常见到某类猎物的地方设置相应的陷阱. 例如某地经常见到狐狸, 那就多来点儿fox trap吧.

Agriculture 农业 略

 A more civilized way to produce food is through agriculture.  The type of farming practiced in the Unreal World is slash-and-burn agriculture, where an area of land is cleared by burning, which fertilizes the soil for planting crops.  In game terms, this means that you must first burn something (firewood, wooden block, sticks etc) over the spot you wish to farm, and then plant your seeds.  These plants will take some time to mature (a few months) before they can be harvested.

There are many kinds of crops in URW. The main vegetables are turnips, broad beans and peas. Other useful plants include hemp, meadsweet, nettle and yarrow. Cereals such as barley and rye can also be grown, but not wheat. They are all grown with the Agriculture skill. You can acquire seeds by either harvesting and then threshing crops, completing the Agriculture task in the Living in the Wild course, or by buying them from stores. Occasionally, general stores will also sell rare vegetables such as cabbages.

Milking 挤奶

 Sheep and Cows can be bought from villages and milked every day using a container like a pot or bowl. [Q]uaffing the Milk when the character is not thirsty reduces hunger and is nutritious.

 羊和牛可以从村民出买来. 然后每天都可以用容器-锅或碗-挤奶. 即解渴又有营养.

Stretching: Soups or Water 延伸: 汤和水 略

 To use your food more efficiently, make soups to stretch highly nutritious food like fish a bit. Alternatively you can also quaff water directly when hungry as long as you have nutrition level at "abundant".

See also Cookery for various other receipes and info on food preservation.


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