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《沙加:Emerald Beyond》图文攻略 流程梳理及收集品位置攻略

时间:2024-04-26 21:48:28
  • 来源:3DM攻略站
  • 作者:耳目一心
  • 编辑:速攻组



宫古市-第一部分(Miyako City Part 1)

1: 开场剧情(Scenario Intro)

2: 战斗教程(Tutorial Battle)

3: 扫描并开始之后的剧情(Scan to Find the Next Event)

4: 前往绿线尽头(Head to The End of the Green Line)

5: 绿线远方(Beyond the Green Line)

6: 邻家的猫(Neighborhood Cat)

7: 灯塔下的黑暗(Darkness Under the Lighthouse)

8: 农场站的猫(Cat at Rakunan Station)

9: 散步的布娃娃(Walking Doll)

10: 打盹的猫(Cat Taking a Nap)

11: 不擅长爬树的猫(Cat Who is Bad at Climbing Trees)

12: 洛北站的猫(Cat at Rakuhoku Station)

13: 路旁的猫(Roadside Cat)

14: 临时招手的猫(Temporary Beckoning Cat)

15: 喜欢列车的猫(Cat who Loves Trains)

16: 灯笼里的猫(Cat in the Lantern)

17: 猫和老旧建筑(Cat and the Old Building)

18: 大雾(Big Frog)

19: 湖边偶遇(Encounter at the Lake)

20: 自行车后面的猫(Cat Behind the Bike)

21: 阴凉处的猫(Cat in the Shade)

22: 凝视大教堂的猫(Cat Looking at the Cathedral)

23: 闹鬼的秋千(Haunted Swing)

24: 拉库托站的猫(Cat at Rakuto Station)

25: 凝视水面的猫(Cat Staring at the Water Surface)

26: 喝醉的猫(Drunk Cat)

27: 大教堂里的猫(Cat in the Cathedral)

28: 通往魔法的门(Door to Magic)


吉朗(Ameya Grelon Vision Events)


1: 散步的男孩(Wandering Boy)

2: 解救冻结的雷亚(Rescuing Frozen Leia)

3: BOSS分支(Boss Branching Route)


4: 解救冰封的桑德里娜(Rescuing Frozen Sandrine)

5: 解救冰封的玛丽安(Rescuing Frozen Marion)

6: 解救冰封的埃斯佩兰斯(Rescuing Frozen Esperance)

7: 解救冰封的雷米(Rescuing Frozen Remi)

8: 解救冰封的维吉尔(Rescuing Frozen Virgil)

9: 解救冰封的盖布瑞尔(Rescuing Frozen Gabriel)

10: 山顶的索道小屋(Ropeway Hut at the Top of the Mountain)

11: 用完最后1根火柴后的选项(Options After You Run Out of 1 Matches)

12: 研究员盖布瑞尔的担忧(Researcher Gabriel’s Concerns)

13: 探索大矿洞(Exploring of the Great Mine)

14: 探索教堂废墟(Exploring the Church Ruins)

15: 探索公共沐浴废墟(Exploring the Public Bath Ruins)

16: 探索碳矿区(Exploring the Coal Mine)

17: 开启宫殿大门-1(Unsealing the Palace Gate 1)

18: 调查图书馆(Library Investigation)

19: 调查博物馆(Museum Investigation)

20: 纪晓姆的战场(Guillaume’s Field)

21: 探索铜矿区(Exploring the Copper Mines)

22: 维吉尔的请求(Virgil’s Request)

23: 探索瞭望塔废墟(Exploring the Watchtower Ruins)

24: 开启宫殿大门-2(Unseal the Palace Gate 2)

25: 放下木梯(Lowering the Ladder)

26: 末代皇帝的真相(The Final Emperor’s Truth)


27: 解救冰封的玛丽安Rescuing Frozen Marion

28: 解救冰封的艾瑞克Rescuing Frozen Eric

29: 解救冰封的纪晓姆Rescuing Frozen Guillaume

30: 解救冰封的罗曼Rescuing Frozen Roman

31: 解救冰封的摩根Rescuing Frozen Morgan

32: 与末代皇帝的战斗-亚历山大Until the Battle Against Final Emperor (Alexandre)

33: 莉亚研究员的知识Knowledge of Researcher Leia

34: 摩根的邀请Morgan’s Invitation

35: 末代皇帝的真相-亚历山大The Final Emperor’s Truth (Alexandre)


36: 与末代皇帝的战斗-雷亚Until the Battle Against Final Emperor (Leia)

37: 末代皇帝的真相-雷亚The Final Emperor’s Truth (Leia)


38: 猫Cat

39: 迷宫的出口Exit to the Labyrinth


宫谷市-第二部分(Ameya Miyako City Part2)

1: 有意义的事A Cat that Senses Something

2: 栏杆上的猫Cat on the Railing

3: 猫和狗Dog and Cat

4: 大鸟Big Bird

5: 公寓楼和猫Apartment Complex and Cats

6: 注视洪山大厅的猫Cat Looking at Sequoia Mall

7: 吸引人的猫Inviting Cat



1: 军舰上的遭遇(Encounter Waiting on a Huge Warship)

2: 流沙阻拦了道路(A Flow of Quicksand Blocking the Way)

3: 巨型两腿机器人(Giant Two-Legged Robot)

4: 巨型飞艇(Giant Airship)

5: 潘多拉探险记:巨型工业机器人(Pandora Exploration: Giant Industrial Robot)

6: 潘多拉探险记:巨型人形机器人(Exploring Pandora: Giant Humanoid Robot)

7: 潘多拉探险记:巨型四足机器人(Pandora Exploration: Giant Quadruped Robot)

8: 探索潘多拉:巨型坦克机器人(Exploring Pandora: Giant Tank Robot)

9: 潘多拉探险记:巨型潜艇(Pandora Exploration: Giant Submarine)


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