时间:2020-10-27 19:14:37
- 来源:steam
- 作者:古代中二龙
- 编辑:宅黑真的骚

图标 | 汉语 | 英语 | 额外说明 |
不关我事 | NONE OF MY BUSINESS | 第17关。梗出自科米蛙。 |
让科米蛙啜饮一口茶。 | Make Kermit take a sip of tea. |
Level 17. A reference to the "Kermit the Frog"
荣耀归于催眠魔蛙 | GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD | 第18关。梗出自飞出个未来。 |
找到催眠魔蛙,并服从于它。 | Find the Hypnotoad and obey. |
Level 18. A reference to the "Futurama" show.
青蛙过马路 | CROSSY FROGGY | 第19关。 |
让青蛙穿过马路。 | Make the frog cross the road. |
Level 19.
找帽子 | FIND CAP | 第20关。梗出自美国队长。 |
找到第一位复仇者。 | Find the First Avenger. |
Level 20. A reference to the "Avengers".
不要再叫了! | GET AWAY FROM THAT! | 第21关。点击杀死该生物,画面有点恐怖。梗出自电影怪形。 |
弄清狗吠的原因。 | Find out why the dog is barking. |
Level 21. Click and Kill this creature. It's bloody. A reference to the "The Thing" movie.
自由滑雪 | SKI FREE | 第22关。它们经常从这里滑过,点前面的那个人,画面也恐怖。 |
帮雪人饱餐一顿。 | Help the yeti have a decent meal. |
Level 22. They often ski along this route, please click on the person in front. It's bloody, too.
为时已晚? | TOO LATE? | 第23关。点落三个纸片,然后点击该生物。梗出自面条人(一种恐怖的虚拟生物)。 |
找到经典老片风格的恐怖生物“瘦长鬼影”。 | Find Slenderman, the old-fashioned horror creature. |
Level 23. Shoot down all the pieces of paper and click on the creature. A reference to the Slender Man.
黑湖鱼妖 | THE GILL-MAN | 第24关。梗出自黑湖妖潭。 |
将女孩沉入黑湖之中。 | Sink the girl in the Black Lagoon. |
Level 24. A reference to the old movie "Creature from the Black Lagoon".
布莱克本重返人间 | BLACKBURN RETURNS | 第25关。总共有5个。魔王布莱克本是在第一代游戏(《王国保卫战》)中,被玩家在最后一张地图“布莱克本城堡”中击败的BOSS。 |
集齐魔王布莱克本的五件盔甲 | Collect the five pieces of Blackburn's Armor. |
Level 25. There are 5 in total. Blackburn is the boss of the first generation game (Kingdom Rush) that was defeated by players in the map "Castle Blackburn".

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