- 来源:Steam
- 作者:Elegance.SIL
- 编辑:墨非

A walkthrough/攻略本体
To beat them you need:
A normal team (lv5,can easily beat any enemy in Fort Joy)
The teleport gloves (main quest)
An aerotheurge team member with teleport skill (can buy from merchant or get from 2nd floor of the fort)
better with:
A sommoner and a geomancer
Some tips to prepare the combat:
You are not able to rise your team to lv6, even if you finish all the quests in a peace way then kill all teh NPC is not enough. I killed the silence, migo, fire slugs and the gangs in the kitchen and there's still about 5000 exp to lv6.(But you can rise to lv6 in the combat by kill 2 hammer's pet, 2880exp each, and you CAN level up your attribute in combat)
The gold is not enough to buy all skill books, so just buy which you need (don't bother with skills that use source point). If it's still not enough, you can always sell your goods to the gangs in the kitchen then kill them to get all things back.
You don't have to renew your equipment with the blacksmith. What you got in the chest, combat and quest is enough.
如果不逃出欢乐堡,获得的经验是不够人物升到6级的,即使你以和平方式做完所有任务,再把所有你遇见的NPC和敌人都杀了也不够。我杀死了杀手、migo父女、地下的火焰虫和厨房里的团伙也还差5000左右的经验。(但你可以在战斗中升到6级,每个hammer's pet有2880经验).
The main idea of combat is to create a 4VS1 situation, so you can easily beat one at a time. I choose the fort wall to do the combat. What you should do is try to prevent 2 or more of them to get on the wall.
There's three way to where you stand, two ladders, one inside and one outside the wall, and stairs in the northwest corner. So I blocked two ways and leave the ladder outside the fort. In fact I don't have to use so much crates and barrels because enemy don't destory them, but to prevent accidents such as a deviated fireball.
In combat, what you should do is to teleport every enemy down the wall, leave only one every time to kill him. If it's still too hard, you can also transport all to give you some time to recover. Your enemy don't have much method to restore their armor. I suggest to transport them inside the fort so they have to pass a long way to the ladder. The Hammer's Pet can't climb the ladder, but may use phoenix dive to get on the wall. And remember to sommon sth to distract or use geomancer skills to slow them. Don't stand too near the edge or the bishop's iceshard can easily send you to death with the help of the archer (and who knows how to learn this magic?)
战斗中你要做的就是不断用传送把上墙的敌人传送下去,只留下一个人让你打。如果还是觉得敌人太强,也可以全都传送下去先行回复。敌人没有太多回复护甲的手段。我建议把他们传送到要塞里面,这样他们就需要跑很长一段路去爬梯子。两只Hammer's Pet不会爬梯子,但可以用phoenix dive直接上墙。另外也可以用召唤物和地系法术的油扰乱他们,减缓他们的动作。别离城墙太近,否则主教的ice shard一波教你做人。(话说有人知道哪里得到这个法术吗?水系攻击魔法好弱啊)
You can't kill Dallis because she'll transform into a dragon and run away with bishop when HP is lower than 50%, and leave her hammer.I wonder what will happen when kill bishop first.

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