
您的位置: 单机 > 攻略 > 图文攻略 > 攻略详情


时间:2006-12-08 19:23:11
  • 来源:网络
  • 作者:不死鸟
  • 编辑:ChunTian

1.0 作者说明 Authors Note

2.0 操作控制 Controls

2.1 战役地图 Campaign Map

2.2 战斗地图 Battle Map

2.3 操控建议 Control Tips

3.0 派系 Factions

3.1 可玩派系 Playable Factions

3.2 不可玩派系 Non Playable Factions

4.0 Quick battle

5.0 单人战役 Single player campaign

5.1 概览 Overview

A. 开始游戏 Starting a game

B. 游戏模式 Game modes

C. 战役地图 Campaign Map

D. 操控面板 Control Panel

5.2 家族 Families

5.3 城市 Cities

A. 早期发展 Early growth

B. Money

C. 起义 Revolts

D. 庙宇 Temples

E. 城墙 Walls

5.4 军队 Armies

A. 创建军队 Creating Armies

B. 雇佣兵 Mercenaries

C. 将军 Generals

D. 军队获得经验 Gaining experience for armies

E. 管理军队 Managing Armies

F. 堡垒和了望塔 Forts and Watchtowers

5.5 战斗 Battle

A. 编队 Formations

B. 侧翼和背后 Flanks and Rear

C. 士气 Morale

D. 部队 Unit strengths

E. 疲劳 Fatigue

F. 地形 Terrain

G. 敌人逃跑后 After they flee

H. 用多支军队攻击 Attacking with multiple armies

I. 特殊能力 Special Abilities

5.6 海军 Navies

5.7 特殊使命人物 Agents

A. 间谍 Spies

B. 刺客 Assassins

C. 外交官 Diplomats

5.8 元老院 The Senate

6.0 Multiplayer

7.0 Bugs

8.0 提示/技巧 Tips/Tricks

9.0 FAQ

10.0 Credits


1.0 作者说明 Authors Note


版本更新 version 1.1 update

-added more details in the faction description

-updated formations with more details

-updated overview

-updated families

-updated tips tricks

-updated senate info

-updated generals

-updated attacking with multiple armies

-updated terrain

-updated unit strengths

-updated credits

-updated Forts and Watchtowers

该文是用以帮助Rome: Total War的新手(就像我)上手,并了解该游戏的基础和策略。我将



2.0 操作控制 Controls



[2.1 战役地图 Campaign Map]

Option menu = Esc

Toggle settlement labels = Ctrl+T

Toggle Character labels = Ctrl+N

Zoom to Capital = Home

Stop character walking = Backspace

AI speed up = Space

Quick save game = Ctrl+S

Quick load game = Ctrl+L

Show help window = F1

Select all units = Ctrl+A

[2.2 战斗地图 Battle Map]

Option Menu = Esc

Pause = P

Toggle unit run = R

Stop current orders = R

Toggle special unit ability = F

Toggle guard mode = D

Toggle skirmish = S

Toggle fire at will = A

Toggle unit formation (tight/loose) = C

Alternative attack = Alt+right mouse button

Rotate unit clockwise = ,

Rotate unit counterclockwise = .

Increase formation width = =

Decrease formation width = -

Set waypoint = Shift + right mouse button

Show unit destination = Space

Group selected units = G

Ungroup selected units = G

Select all units = Ctrl + A

Deselect all units = Enter

Select all artilery units = Ctrl+B

Select all infantry units = Ctrl+I

Select all calvary units = Ctrl+C

Select all melee units = Ctrl +H

Select all missile firing units = Ctrl+M

Send message in multiplayer = T

Zoom to general = Home

Show Help Window = F1

已有74人评分 您还未评分!
  • 类型:策略游戏
  • 发行:Activision
  • 发售:2004-09-22
  • 开发:Creative Assembly
  • 语言:简中 | 繁中 | 英文
  • 平台:PC
  • 标签:战争历史4X罗马

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