- 来源:四脚brabra
- 作者:batyeah
- 编辑:ChunTian
Fenris: 精灵双手剑战士
Lyrium Scales (found at) Shady Merchandise shop. (Docks)
lyrium鳞甲 第二章 Docks里的Shady Merchandise shop
Tevinter Spirit Symbol (found at) Robes by Jean Luc shop (Hightown)
Tevinter精神象征 第二章 Hightown里的Robes by Jean Luc shop
Reinforced Straps (found at) A bitter Pill quest, Abandoned Slaver Den (found in act 2)
强化皮带 第二章 任务A bitter Pill Abandoned Slaver Den的身上
Enchanted Rasin (found at) Mine Massacre quest, on Dragon (found in act 3)
附魔锉刀 第三章 龙身上 任务Mine Massacre
Isabela: 大波女海盗
Lambswool Insoles (found at) To Catch A Theif quest, in a chest in the Lost-End Foundry.
羊毛鞋垫 第二章 lowtown里的 Lost-End Foundry 的一个箱子里 任务To Catch A Theif
Rigid Boning (found at) Apparel Shop, (lowtown)
硬骨 第二章 lowtown里的Apparel Shop
Supportive Corselet (found at) Robes by Jean Luc shop (Hightown) (All found in act 2)
支撑束胸 第二章 Hightown里的Robes by Jean Luc shop
Boiled Leather Plates (found at) A Murder of Crows quest (found in act 3)
熟皮板甲? 第三章 任务A Murder of Crows
Marrill: 精灵血法师
Silver-Threaded Dalish Embroidery (found at) Sundermount, near the top of the path.
精灵银线饰品 第二章Sundermount山里 接近山顶的通道
Carved Ironwood Buttons (found at) Ilen's Crafts shop (Sundermount)
雕刻铁木纽扣 第二章Sundermount精灵营地里Ilen's Crafts shop
Semite Lining (found at) Robes by Jean Luc shop (hightown) (All found in act 2)
闪米特内衬 第二章hightown里的Robes by Jean Luc shop
Halla Horn Buck;es (found at) A New Path quest, on the Pride Demon (found in act 3)
哈拉角皮带扣 第三章 Pride Demon身上 任务A New Path quest
Varric: 矮人V叔
Inscribed Leather Harness (found at) Apparel shop (Lowtown) ( found in act 1)
碑铭皮甲 第一章 Lowtown里的Apparel shop
Silverite-Reinforced Buckles (found at) Family Matter quest, Bartrand's Estate.
加银麻布 第二章 Bartrand's Estate 任务 Family Matter
Coat Lining with Concealed Pockets (found at) Shady Merchandise shop (docks) (all found in act 2)
藏袋里袖 第二章 docks 里的Shady Merchandise shop
Drakeskin leg Straps (found at) Finding (um this is a big spoiler so um I'll just say you have to find a guy you'll know it when you see it) quest (in act 3)
龙皮护胫 第三章 剧透 到时候你就知到
Sebastian: DLC王子
Enhanced Articulation (found at) Armor Shop (Gallows)
强化关节 第二章 Gallows里的Armor Shop
Mail Undertunic (found at) Repentance quest, Harriman Eastate.
锁子甲里束腰 第二章 Harriman Eastate 任务Repentance
Reinforced Bracers (found at) Olaf's Armory shop (hightown) (all in act 2)
加强臂套 第二章hightown里的Olaf's Armory shop
Protection of the Faith (found at) Best Served Cold quest. Hightown (Night), on a Templar Lieutenant (in act 3)
信仰之护 第三章 夜晚的Hightown 一个Templar Lieutenant身上 任务Best Served Cold
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