今天BN上有网友提出了关于TvP中EMP的问题。Karune出现对此进行了说明。Karune:Yup, EMP is currently on the Ghost and does 100 shield damage to all units and drains all energy in that area of effect. Having a Ghost presence in any TvP match up is crucial, especially if there are casters in the opponent's army. In the original StarCraft, the EMP used to kill all shield hit points, but since
Black Inc.宣布将发行一款越野赛车游戏《火焰爆发》(Fireburst),本作由exDream负责开发,采用虚幻引擎3开发。 本作是一款非常规的赛车游戏,游戏的赛道都设定在贫瘠的沙石地上,一共有20条赛道,而赛车也并非我们常见的越野赛车,而是各种破旧的敞篷小型载货卡车或是其他类型的小机动车。 游戏具有挑战赛模式和锦标赛模式,以及多人在线模式等。