《DAYZ》0.52补丁带来新特性 增加圣诞礼物链锯等
时间:2014-12-22 10:14:55
- 来源:3DM新闻组-Xec
- 作者:liyunfei
- 编辑:liyunfei
- Full Ghillie suite
- Stone Knife
- Torch
- Guts
- Chainsaw
- Meat cleaver
- Prison uniform
- Silencer east
- Silencer NATO
- Handgun Silencer
- V3S interior
- Teddy bear
- Long Sword
- MP5 Compensator
- Prison Jacket
- Prison Pants
- Prison Cap
- Hunting Knife
- Pumpkin seeds
- Pepper seeds
- Wool dress (color variants)
- Bomber jacket (color variants)
- V3S (color variants)
- Suicide (variants)
- Using scopes for scouting
- Redone horticulture mechanics
- Redone spawn points and amount of vehicles
- Exiting and entering animations for vehicles
- Christmas presents
- Crafting of fishing rod, stone knife, bow, with nature only resources
- You can cut out seeds out of vegetables
- Torch crafting
- Blade sharpening
- Silencers working
- Using of almost all items for melee
- Kamensk village
- Stary Yar village
- Location "Lysaya Gora"
- "Grozovye Doly"
- Krasnoe village
- Christmass assets
- Meadows and Farms under Svergino village
- Ratnoe village
- Zaptudnoe village
- Zaprudnoe kolhoz
- Meadows and Farms near Grishino
- Polesovo village
- Stary Yar surrounding
- Kamensk mining complex
- Severograd mines
- Powerlines is now connected with West part of map
- Forest improvments
- General bugfixing
- 修复:
- Muzzle blast, Impact sounds fixed.
- Small fish trap exploit fixed
- Supressor visible on steyraug now
- Damage transfer added to ghillie crafting
- Security fixes
- Telescopic Baton retracting
- Improved heatpack and gut heat transfer, support for multiple heat sources
- Drowning while cuffed under water surface
- Heatpack and more items properly positioned in hand
- Supressor visible on steyraug now
- Animation polish
- Loot distribution polish
- and much much more.
- Item locked in hands slot
- Items can't be picked up sometimes
- Left earpice sound volume is lowered sometimes
- Ghillie will probably react badly on chemlight, flare and other light sources
- Some items will visually duplicate themselves if used from the ground
- Server crashes
- Client crash when disconnected from server

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