《NBA 2K10》官方BUG列表和补丁发布时间
- 作者:newtype2001
- 编辑:ChunTian
Defensive Assist needs toning down 协防强度降低
Autosave Settings and Association- Coach, Camera, Online, etc. 各种设置将能自动正确保存
My Player Duplication 一球成名的克隆人问题
Team-Up 5 player slot bug 5V5对战BUG
My Player/Association Developmental Drills Glitch 一球成名和王朝模式训练成废人的问题
My Player Minutes 一球成名无法设置单节时间
My Player Pick-UP Games Drop Connection 一球成名对战断线问题
AI Jump Passes 空中漂移
Players Stopping on Fast Break Passes 快攻时球员突然呆掉
Tone down lead pass in lane / Defensive Awareness in Lane needs increase 无敌传球削弱/提高抢断威胁球的防守意识
PS3 Freeze in T-Mobile and Keys of Game Loading Screens PS3读取某些画面时死机
Too many Alley-oops 泛滥的空中接力
Referee inbound issues 裁判不发球
Stepping backwards from three point line when setting up on a pass (看不懂,是指三分线接球时会后退下?)
Broadcast Camera in My Player 一球成名模式里电视转播视角问题
Fix charges - backwards and spin move charges 带球撞人问题
Increase Online Difficulty Level or Create Ranked Lobby Tiers 在线比赛难度设置以及配对系统的问题
Fix Shot Stick - Shot Releases 手感修正(本人补充,大家可以用LBJ进训练模式试下,perfect往往不进,very late却能进)
Show Opponents Stats in Ranked Games 排名战显示对手情况
Shooting percentages too high (?) 命中率过高(本人补充,该死的火花!无敌的Tmac!)
Defensive Openings with ball movement (看不懂,球在移动时防守松散?)
Stuck animations on play calls 战术实行的动画问题
FRAMERATE - End of Quater/Timeouts, Certain Stadiums 卡!卡!卡!,暂停时卡,场内卡,比赛快结束时气氛紧张时卡!!!
Association online freezing 联网时死机(我这几天死了无数次了...)
Difficult to sub people in online (看不懂,网战换人问题?)
Too much cherry picking 我的解释,就是那个很傻的持球观察动作,所有人都这个动作,无法忍受,事实上一般只有姚明会用这个动作.
Timeouts subtract weirdly...暂停等问题...
Headbands going with home/team colors instead of custom 护具主客场不分色问题
Sometimes a made dunk will seem like it never happened 哈哈,一些根本不可能会发生的奇妙扣篮事件
Option to turn off fatigue online 线上比赛关闭体力槽选项
Freezing with 2K Share, Who's Online, Team Up 这代可以选择下玩家的存档等等,但是,我亲身经历,进那个界面经常死机!!
Zone Defense Spacing 区域联防的站位距离 by mythcreator
DPad with On the Fly Coaching is too quick (看不懂,可能是战术方面的问题)
Tone down offensive rebounding on free throws 罚球后的进攻篮板问题
5th game freeze during summer circuit in My Player 一球成名里夏季联赛5场后死机
Camera on first free throw shot is often weird 第一次罚球后镜头会很奇怪
Walk The Dog 地滚球开球无法过中场 by longlongge
Morale Attribute in Association is too strong 王朝模式里情绪问题太强(本人补充,我玩公牛,38岁总评60的L.Hunter都吵着要上场时间)
Clipping on the Dunk Contest 扣篮大赛的问题
Lack of force field on out of bounds (?) 防止带球出界的空气墙问题 by deaddog198
Contracts in Association to Large - Sit in Free Agency 自由球员的合同太大
Back Court is too easy to have happen 太容易回场(本人补充,1场比赛回个10次你也别嫌多)
More contact in paint 增强三秒区的对抗by liuxun249
NBA Today Overlays stick on screen too long sometimes (NBA Today的问题)
Assist window lasts too long 换人面板持续太久,导致摸黑打球.
Color red is off in game 重伤球员不可参赛 by mythcreator
Increase Playoff Atmosphere 增加季后赛气氛
Retired Player Jerseys in My Player 退役球衣在一球成名里的问题
Cut down on Auto-post up 关闭自动post up
More players need to drive lane 更多的球员需要突破能力 by deaddog198
Gold Leaderboad (?) (看不懂)
Ease of PF and C Dribbling 大个子球员带球太牛B!!!
Intentional Fouls not registering / passing through them 恶意犯规不计次数
10 Day Contracts not registering 10天短合同后...没有续签也回不了原来的队...
Custom Soundtracks PS3 在PS3自定义播放音乐列表
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