- 来源:球探足球比分通
- 作者:不死鸟
- 编辑:ChunTian
在刚刚揭晓的第24届英国“金摇杆奖(Golden Joystick Award)”中,Eidos与Crystal Dynamics合理打造的《古墓丽影:传奇(Tomb Raider Legend)》获得包括“2006年度终极游戏”、“年度PlayStation游戏”在内的多个奖项。
同属于Eidos公司的《终极杀手:血钱(Hitman Blood Money)》也在本届评选中获得包括“年度最佳游戏音乐”、“年度最佳Xbox游戏”、“2006年度终极游戏”、“年度最佳角色设定(获奖为特工47)”在内的多个奖项。而且,Eidos公司也进入了“年度最佳发行商”的五强行列。
·About Beijing Entertainment All Technology
Beijing Entertainment All Technology Co.,Ltd (as Beijing GameBridge) is one of the main PC game distributors in China. Since the beginning of our company,we set our target as 'To be the media of Chinese and foreign data entertainment culture,to offer the best PC games for the players'. With the support of Chinese government and our employees, Beijing GameBridge has become the long-term cooperator of Sega,THQ,EIDOS,JOWOOD,KOEI,Falcom,Capcom and other famous international enterprises.
As our company has released 'The Legend of Heroes 6:Sora no Kiseki', 'SAKURA War4', 'Tomb Raider:Legend' and other famous titles, we also introduced 'Sword&Blade','GENSOSANGGOKUSHI' and other domestic best titles to international market. We hope to offer some contribution for the culture intercommunion of China and foreign countries and the development of domestic digital entertainment industry by our effort in the territories of pc game,mobile add-value business and animation production.More information about Beijing GameBridge and its products may be found at Beijing GameBridges China Website athttp://www.gamebridge.com.cn

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