- 作者:不死鸟
- 编辑:ChunTian

The Archer is the main ranged class in the game, being able to pick off its enemies at a large distance. the archer offers accuracy and ranged prowess,
it lacks the ability to defend itself against offensive melee classes.(弓箭手可以在远距离干掉敌人在游戏中是主要远攻的unit虽然弓箭手准确而强大的威力但未能有效防卫近战unit )
Abilities (技能)
Quick Shot (快速射击)
The quick shot is defined as a “panic button” in case an enemy gets too close for comfort. (快速射击是紧急用途之用如解决敌人太接近问题)
Fire Arrow (火箭)
A fire arrow can set enemy units or equipment on fire. (可以令敌人or其装备着火)
Poison Arrow (毒箭)
A poison arrow slows down enemy units within a certain radius. (在一定时间可以令敌人速度减慢)
Rumoured heroes: Legolas
Legolas is a strong hero, with extraordinary abilities, such as the (in)famous mumakil “kill move” which players can (attempt to) re-enact.
Faramir (法拉墨)

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