- 来源:DDB
- 作者:不死鸟
- 编辑:ChunTian

1 Loosen some bolts on the sink. When the sink is turned on, the room will flood. - repair
2 Put a firecracker in the toilet. Thats sure to cause some chaos - Explosives
3 Break into the locked medicine cabinet and replace his high blood pressure medication with sugar pills - Sneak
4 Manipulate the power wattage on his razor, so he'll get an electric shock next time he uses it Lockpick.
Question 10 Who is indisputably the most important person in Vault 101: He who shelters us from the harshness of the atomic wasteland, and to whom we owe everything including our lives? - This question has no standing on your TAG skills, Nor the test results, and appears to be on the G.O.A.T simply as propaganda
1 The Overseer. - N/A
2 The Overseer. - N/A
3 The Overseer. - N/A
4 The Overseer. - N/A
Vault Chaplain "They say the G.O.A.T never lies. According to this, your slated to be the next vault ... Chaplain. God help us all."
Laundry Cannon Operator "Well according to this, your in line to be trained as a laundry cannon operator. First time for everything indeed."
洗衣机操作员(Big Guns):「唉,根据结果,你接下来要受训成为一名洗衣机操作员。人总是会有第一次的嘛。」
Pedicurist "It's Nice to know I can still be surprised. Pedicurist! I might have guessed Manicurist, or even Masseuse. But apparently your foot person"
趾甲彩绘师(Energy Weapon):「我真想不到。趾甲彩绘师!我原本还以为是修指甲或是按摩师呢。不过看来你是个『脚』踏实地的人。」
Waste Management Specialist "It says here you're perfectly suited for a career as a Waste Management Specialist. A specialist, mind you, not just a dabbler. Congratulations!"
Vault Loyalty Inspector "Huh. "Vault Loyalty Inspector"... I thought that had been phased out decades ago. Well, sounds like a job right up your alley, hmm?"
Clinical Test Subject "Interesting. "Clinical Test Subject"... sounds like something you should excel at. I guess you and your dad will be working together."
Fry Cook "Looks like the diner's going to get a new Fry Cook. I'll just say this once: hold the mustard, extra pickles. Ha ha ha."
厨师(Melee Weapons):看来我们的餐厅要有一个新厨师了。先跟你说喔,不要芥茉酱,多放点酸黄瓜。哈哈哈。」
Jukebox Technician "Thank goodness. We're finally getting a new Jukebox Technician. That thing hasn't worked right since old Joe Palmer passed."
Pip-Boy Programmer "Well, well. Pip-Boy Programmer, eh? Stanley will finally have someone to talk shop with."
Tattoo Artist "Huh. I wonder who will be brave enough to be your first customer as the vault's new Tattoo Artist? I promise it won't be me."
纹身艺术师(Small Guns):「啥?不知道谁那会带种会成我们新纹身艺术师的第一位客户。总之不可能是我就是了。」
Shift Supervisor "Apparently you're management material. You're going to be trained as a Shift Supervisor. | Could I be talking to the next Overseer? Stranger things have happened."
Marriage Councilor "Wow. Wow. Says here you're going to be the vault's Marriage Counselor. Almost makes me want to get married, just to be able to avail myself of your services."
Little League coach "I always thought you'd have a career in professional sports. You're the new vault Little League coach! Congratulations."

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