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- 来源:建济
- 作者:智慧果
- 编辑:ChunTian
卷九 2920年
BookNine of 2920
卷九 2920年
TheLast Year of the First Era
Carlovac Townway
卡罗瓦克 唐威
2 Hearth Fire, 2920 Gideon. Black Marsh
2nd,炉火,2920. 吉迪恩 黑沼泽
The Empress Tavia lay across her bed, a hotlate summer wind she
塔维娅皇后躺在她的床上, 一阵迟到的夏日微风悄悄到来,徘
could not fool hanging the shutters of hercell to and fro against
the iron bars. Her throat felt like it wason fire but still she
sobbed, uncontrollably, wringing her lasttapestry in her hands.
完全控制不住, 手指死死地绞着她最后的挂毯。
Her wailing echoed throughout the hollowhalls of Castle Glovese,
stopping maids in their washing and guards in their conversation.
One of her women came up the narrow stairsto see her mistress,
but her chief guard Zuuk stood at thedoorway and shook his head.
"She's Just heard that her son isdead." he said quietly.
5 Hearth Fire. 2920 The Imperial City,Cyrodiil
5th,炉火,2920. 皇城,塞洛蒂尔
"Your imperial Majesty." said thePotentate Versidue— Shaie
“尊敬的陛下。” 贝西多—沙耶,贵族首相对着紧闭的门说道。
through the door. "You can open thedoor. I assure you. You’re
“您可以放心地打开门。 我向您保证。 您是绝对
perfectly safe. No one wants to killyou."
安全的。 这里没有人想要伤害您。”
"Mara's blood!" came the EmperorReman Ill's voice, muffled,
“魔罗之血啊!”,里面传来雷曼 伊尔皇帝模糊的声音,
hysterical, tinged with madness."Someone assassinated the Prince,
异常激动,甚至带着些疯狂。 “王子被刺杀了,
and he was holding my shield! They couldhave thought he was me!”
有人说那刺客拿着我的盾牌! 他们都认为那是我!”
"You’re certainly correct, yourimperial Majesty." replied the
“不得不说您的消息是正确的,陛下。” 门外的首相回答
Potentate, expunging any mocking dualitiesfrom his voice while
道, 竭力试图隐藏他话语中的讽刺或嘲弄,却不禁轻蔑地转动他那黑色的,
his black—slitted eyes rolled contemptuously. "And we must find
细成两条缝的眼睛。 “且我们必须找到并惩罚
and punish the evildoer responsible foryour son's death. But we
那个杀人犯,让他为您儿子的死负责。 但我们
cannot do it without you. You must be brave for your Empire."
没有您便找不到凶手。 为了您的国家,您必须振作起来。”
There was no reply.
"At the very least come out and signthe order for Lady Rijja's
execution." called the Potentate. “Letus dispose of the one
大臣向里喊道。 “让我们来处理那个罪大恶极的叛徒和traitorand assassinwe knowof."
A brief pause, and then the sound offurniture scraping across the
短暂的寂静后, 里面响起了家具刮擦过地板的声音。
floor. Reman opened the door just a crack, but the Potentate could
雷曼将门轻轻打开一条缝, 但站立着的大臣能清晰地看到seehis angry, fearful face, and the terrible mound of ripped tissue
他那愤怒, 恐惧的脸, 以及他脸上那恐怖的堆成一堆的,破碎的血肉,那
that used to be his right eye. Despite thebest healers in the
原本应该是他的右眼。 尽管帝国里最好的医生竭尽全力,
Empire,it was still a ghastly souvenir ofthe Lady Rijja's work
in Thurzo Fortress.
"Hand me the order." TheEmperor snarled. "I'll sign it with
“把文件给我。” 皇帝咆哮道。 “这将是我签过的最令我愉快
6 Hearth Fire. 2920 Gideon. Cyrodiil
6th,炉火,2920 吉迪恩,塞洛蒂尔
The strange blue glow of the will o' thewisps, a combination, so
she'd be told, of swamp gas and spiritualenergy, had always
由沼气和神圣的精神之力混杂而成, 总是让塔维娅在向frightenedTavia as she looked out her window. Now it seemed
窗外望去的时候,心中平添了不少惊悚。 但它们现在看上去strangely comforting. Beyond the bog lay the city of Gideon. It
竟觉得意料之外的心安。 在沼泽的另外一端便是吉迪恩城。 这
was funny, she thought, that she had neverstopped foot in its
真是滑稽, 她心想, 她总觉得永远逛不腻那里的街道,
streets, though she had watched it everyday for seventeen years.
"Can you think of anything I'veforgotten?" she asked. Turning to
“还有其他我忘记的事情吗?” 她问道。 回头看向她
look back on the loyal Kothringi Zuuk.
忠心的守卫考夫林吉 祖克。
"I know exactly what to do." hesaid simply. He seemed to smile,
“我知晓接下来该怎么做。” 他干巴巴地说道。 他看上去好像在微笑,
but the Empress realized that it was onlyher own face reflected
in his silvery skin. She was smiling, andshe didn't even realize
是她在微笑, 而她自己之前甚至还没意识到这点。
"Make certain you aren'tfollowed." she warned. "I don't want my
“弄清楚你并不只是在跟随我。” 她发出警告。 “我不希望我的丈夫
husband to know where my gold's been hidingall these years. And
知道这些年我将我的金子藏在了哪里。 你会
do take your share of it. You've been agood friend."
获得属于你的那一部分。 你一直是我的好友。”
The Empress Tavia stepped forward anddropped from sight into the
mists. Zuuk replaced the bars on the towerwindow, and threw a
祖克将窗户上的铁栅栏放回原处, 接着将一张毛毯
blanket over some pillows on her bed. Withany luck, they would
铺在她的床上,盖过枕头。 幸运的话, 其他人在明天
not discover her body on the lawn untilmorning, at which time he
早上之前不会发现她躺在草地上的假尸体, 那时他们应该已经在
hoped to be halfway to Morrowind.
9 Hearth Fire. 2920 Phrygias. High Rock
9th,炉火,2920 弗里吉亚 高石
The strange trees on all sides resembledknobby piles crowned with
great bursts of reds, yellows, and oranges,like insect mounds
caught fire. The Wrothgarian mountains werefading into the misty
afternoon. Turala marveled at the sight, soalien, so different
特艾拉为眼前的景象感到惊奇, 如此突兀, 跟晨风城格格不
from Morrowind, as she plodded the horseforward into an open
入, 她正骑着马缓缓步入一片开阔的牧场。
pasture. Behind her, head nodding againsthis chest, Cassyr slept,
cradling Bosriel. For a moment, Turala considered jumping the low
手里抱着波斯瑞尔。 有一会儿, 特艾拉考虑过直接跳过低栅栏来穿过这片
painted fence that crossed the field, butshe thought better of
田地, 但她后来改变主意了。
it. Let Cassyr sleep for a few more hoursbefore giving him the
As the horse passed into the field, Turalasaw the small green house
当马儿们走进牧场之后, 特艾拉看到了小丘上点缀的小绿房子,
on the next hill, half—hidden in forest. Sopicturesque was the
若隐若现于森林之中。 形成了一幅生动的画面,
image, she felt herself lull into apleasant half-sleeping state.
A blast of a horn brought her back toreality with a shudder. Cassyr
一阵号角声随着微风飘入她的耳畔,令她打了个哆嗦,回到现实。 凯索也被
opened his eyes.
"Where are we?" he hissed.
"I don't know." Turala stammered,wide-eyed. "What is that sound?"
"Orcs." he whispered. "Ahunting party. Head for the thicket
“兽人群。”他小声说道。 “一场宏大的狩猎派对。去灌木丛那里,快!”
Turala trotted the horse into the smallcollection of trees. Cassyr
特艾拉骑着马快步走向那堆小树丛。 凯索将
handed her the child and dismounted. Hebegan pulling their bags
婴儿递给她之后尽快下了马。 接着他开始将他们的行李扯下马,
off next, throwing theminto the bushes. A sound started then, a
快速丢进灌木丛里 不一会儿就听到声音响了起来,
distant rumbling of footfall, growinglouder and closer. Turala
轰隆隆的脚步声渐渐响起, 越变越大,越靠越近。 特艾拉
climbed off carefully and helped Cassyrunburden the horse. All
the while, Bosriel watched open- eyed.Turala sometimes worried
从始至终, 波斯瑞尔一直睁着眼睛。 特艾拉曾有一段时间担忧过她的
that her baby never cried. Now she wasgrateful for it. With the
宝宝从未哭泣的这个事实。 现在她对此心存感激并为之庆幸着。 随着最后一
last of the luggage off. Cassyr slapped thehorse's rear, sending
个包袱的卸除。 凯索狠狠地拍了一下马儿的屁股, 让它急速
it galloping into the field.Taking Turala's hand, he hunkered down
奔进不远处的田野。 随后拉着特艾拉的手,沉默地遁入丛中。
in the bushes.
"With luck," he murmured."They'll think she's wild or belongs to
the farm and won't go looking for therider.
As he spoke, a horde of orcs surged intothe field, blasting their
随着他的话语,一群兽人如浪涛般涌入牧场, 吹着他们的号角。
horns. Turala had seen orcs before, butnever in such abundance,
特艾拉曾见过兽人几次, 但没见过数量如此庞大,
never with such bestial confidence. Roaringwith delight at the
充满着兽性与激情的兽人队伍。 他们肆意咆哮着,骑着狂奔的马疾驰
horse and its confused state, they hastenedpast the timber where
在混乱的土地上, 他们一个接着一个,陆续跑过凯索,特艾拉和
Cassyr, Turala, and Bosriel hid. Thewildflowers flew into the air
波斯瑞尔所藏身的灌木丛。 草地上星星点点的野花在他们的铁蹄下飞入
at their stampede, powdering the air withseeds. Turala tried to
空气之中,将花粉和种子播撒在四周的每个角落。 特艾拉尝试着忍下一
hold back a sneeze, and thought shesucceeded. One of the orcs heard
个突然的喷嚏, 自以为没发出任何动静。 但其中的一只兽人听到了,
something though, and brought another withhim to investigate.
Cassyr quietly unsheathed his sword,mustering all the confidence
凯索无声地拔出他的剑, 调动起所有他拥有的勇气。
he could. His skills, such as they were,were in spying, not combat,
他的能力, 一直以来, 都是有关于侦查, 而非战斗,
but he vowed to protect Turala and her babefor as long as he could.
Perhaps he would slay these two, hereasoned, but not before they
也许他可以杀了这两只兽人, 他这样说服自己,但要在她们两个大声尖叫
cried out and brought the rest of thehorde.
Suddenly, something invisible swept throughthe bushes like a wind.
突然, 一个看不见的东西如风一般快速扫过灌木丛。
The orcs flew backwards, falling dead ontheir tacks. Turala turned
兽人被猛地吹向后方, 摔下马鞍。 特艾拉转过头去,
and saw a wrinkled crone with bright redhair emerge from a nearby
"I thought you were going to bringthem right to me." she whispered,
“我还以为他们是你们带来的人马呢。” 她小声说道,带着
smiling. "Best come with me."
The three followed the old woman through adeep crevasse of bramble
bushes that ran through the field towardthe house on the hill.
As they emerged on the other side, thewoman turned to look at the
当他们终于走到另外一端时, 老人转过身去看着那些享受着狩猎乐趣,
orcs feasting on the remains of the horse,a blood—soaked orgy to
徘徊于马匹之间的兽人部队, 一场伴着抑扬顿挫的号角声的
the beat of multiple horns.
"That horse yours?" she asked.When Cassyr nodded, she laughed
“那是你的马?” 她问道。 看到凯索点了点头之后, 她大声地笑了。
loudly. "That's rich meat, that is.Those monsters will have
“那将是一场丰盛的宴席,绝对是。 那些怪物会为这个早晨的胃痛和腹胀
bellyaches and flatulence in the morning.Serves them right."
而抱怨的。 活该。”
"Shouldn't we keep moving?"whispered Turala, unnerved by the
“我们不应该继续前进吗?” 特艾拉小声说道, 因为老人刚才的大笑
woman's laughter.
"They won't come up here," shegrinned. Looking at Bosriel who
“他们不会到这上面来的,” 她咧开嘴笑着。 眼睛盯着一直在笑的波斯瑞尔。
smiled back. "They're too afraid ofus."
Turala turned to Cassyr, who shook hishead. "Witches. Am I correct
特艾拉看向凯索, 他心神不宁地摇着头。“女巫。 请问我的假设是
in assuming that this is Old Barbyn's Farm,the home of the
否正确,这里正是老巴宾的农场, 传说中斯凯芬顿女巫的住所?”
Skeffington Coven?"
"You are, pet." the old womangiggled girlishly, pleased to be so
infamous. "I am MynistaSkeffington."
感到满足。 “我就是麦尼斯塔 斯凯芬顿。”
“What did you do to those orcs?" askedTurala. "Back there in the
“你对那些兽人做了什么?“ 特艾拉问道。 “之前两只在灌木丛里的。”
"Spirit fist right side thehead." Mynista said, continuing the
“我用精神力击打他们的头部右侧。” 麦尼斯塔边回答,一边继续向小丘行进。
climb up the hill. Ahead of them was thefarmhouse grounds, a well,
在他们前方便是农舍所在, 有一口水井,
a chicken coop, a pond, women of all agesdoing chores, the laughter
一个鸡笼, 一片池塘,老妪和少女做着各自的家务, 嬉戏中的孩童笑
of children at play. The old woman turnedand saw that Turala did
声不断。 老人转过头,看见了特艾拉脸上的疑惑不解。
not understand. "Don't you havewitches where you come from,
"None that I know of." she said.
"There are all sorts of wielders ofmagic in Tamriel." she
explained. "The Psijics study magiclike it‘s their painful duty.
The battlemages in the army on the otherend of the scale hurt spells
like arrows. We witches commune and conjureand celebrate. To fell
those orcs. I merely whispered to thespirits of the air. Amaro,
为了击倒那些兽人。我只是向那些空气中的精灵耳语。 阿莫洛,
Pina, Tallatha, the fingers of Kynareth, and the breath of the
碧娜,塔拉法, 吉娜莱丝之指, 以及世界之息,
world, with whom I have an intimateacquaintance, to smack those
让我熟知的老朋友们, 去攻击那些
bastards dead. You see, conjuration is notabout might, or solving
该死的杂种。 你瞧, 召唤与祈祷和力量, 解决谜语,
riddles, or agonizing over musty oldscrolls. It's about fostering
或那些令人心烦的发霉古老卷轴无关。 它是一种培养关系的过程
relations. Being friendly, you mightsay."
"Well, we certainly appreciate youbeing friendly with us," said
"As well you might," coughedMynista. "Your kind destroyed the ore
“只要你愿意,” 麦尼斯塔咳出了声。 “你们所谓的心存感激摧毁了那些兽人
homeland two thousand years ago. Beforethat, they never came all
两千年前的家园。 在那之前,他们对我们没有任何形式的侵
the way up here and bothered us. Now let'sget you cleaned up and
犯或骚扰。 现在,你们需要一些热水和食物。”
With that, Mynista led them into the farm,and Turala met the family
然后,麦尼斯塔带着他们走进农场, 特艾拉在此遇见了斯凯芬顿女巫
of the Skeffington Coven.
11 Hearth Fire. 2920 The Imperial City,Cyrodiil
11th,炉火,2920. 皇城,塞洛蒂尔
Rijja had not even tried to sleep the nightbefore, and she found
蕾加在昨晚没有尝试过入眠, 且她发现那些在她
the somber music played during herexecution to have a soporific
effect. It was as if she was willingherself to be unconscious
before the ax stroke. Her eyes were boundso she could not see her
former lover, the Emperor, seated beforeher, glaring with his one
也就是皇帝, 就坐在她后面, 瞪着他仅存的,还完好的那
good eye. She could not see the PotentateVersidue—Shaie, his coil
只眼睛。 她也没法看到那个贵族首相,贝西多—沙耶, 他的饰环
neatly wrapped beneath him, a look oftriumph in his golden face.
整齐地包裹在他的脚, 黄金色的脸上带着胜利的喜悦。
She could feel, numbly, the executioner'shand touch her back to
她可以麻木地感觉到, 刽子手按着她的背来固定住她。
steady her. She flinched like a dreamertrying to awake.
The first blow caught the hack of her headand she screamed. The
第一次挥舞砍在她的头上让她即刻尖叫起来。 紧接
next hacked through her neck, and she wasdead.
The Emperor turned to the Potentatewearily, "Now that's done. You
皇帝厌倦地将视线转向旁边的大臣, “结束了。 你说
said she had a pretty sister in Hammerfellnamed Corda?"
18 Hearth Fire. 2920 Dwynnen. High Rock
18th,炉火,2920 德温安 高石
The horse the witches had sold him was notas good as his old one.
Cassyr considered. Spirit worship andsacrifice and sisterhood
凯索思索着。 崇拜精神,自我奉献以及女性社会可能会对研究魔法有帮助
might be all well and good for conjuringspirits, but it tends to
spoil beasts of burden. Still, there waslittle to complain about.
面却偏好于宠溺而非鞭打。 不变的是,他还是带着一丝怨气。
With the Dunmer woman and her child gone,he had made excellent
在那个暗精灵女人和她的孩子已然离队的情况下, 他有过一段极好的时光。
time. Ahead were the walls surrounding thecity of his homeland.
Almost at once, he was set upon by his oldfriends and family.
"How went the war?" cried hiscousin, running to the road.
"Is it true that Vivec signed a peacewith the Prince, but the
Emperor refuses to honor it?"
"That's not how it was, was it?"asked a friend, Joining them. "I
“这不是事实,是吗?” 一个朋友问道,加入他们的谈话。
heard that the Dunmer had the Princemurdered and then made up a
story about a treaty, but there's noevidence for it."
"Isn't there anything interestinghappening here?"Cassyrlaughed.
“难道这里就没有发生什么趣事吗?” 凯索笑着回答。
"I really don't have the leastinterest in discussing the war or
"You missed the procession of the LadyCorda." said his friend.
“你错过了科尔达小姐的船队。” 他的朋友接道。
"She came across the bay with fullentourage and then east to the
Imperial City."
"But that's nothing. What was Viveclike?" asked his cousin
“除此之外毫无新意。维瓦克是一个怎样的人?” 他的表亲急切地问道。
eagerly. "He supposed to be a livinggod."
"If Sheogorath steps down and theyneed another God of Madness,
he'll do." Said Cassyr haughtily.
"And the women?" asked the lad,who had only seen Dunmer ladies
on very rare occasions.
Cassyr merely smiled. Turala Skeffingtonflashed into his mind for
凯索以微笑作答。 特艾拉 斯凯芬顿的身影刹那间闪进他的脑海,眨眼过后又
an instant before fading away. She would behappy with the coven,
褪色消逝而去。 她跟那群女巫会很合得来的,
and her child would be well cared for. Butthey were part of the
而她的孩子也会得到很好的照顾。 现在,她们只是过去的一部分,
past now, a place and a war he wanted toforget forever. Dismounting
那个他想永远忘记的,关于战争的过去的一部分。 凯索卸下他的马鞍
his horse, he walked it into the city,chatting of trivial gossip
和包袱, 慢慢走进这座城市, 和人们谈论那些发生在伊利亚克湾
of life on the Iliac Bay.
640 ft SE of Angi's Camp (FalkreathHold).
520 ft N of Pinewatch (Falkreath Hold).
The Mortar and Pestle (Dawnstar), underthe counter.
Rimerock Burrow (Haafingar), on an endtable in the final cavern.
Urag gro-Shub(College of Winterhold), Hitting the Books quest reward.
乌拉葛 格洛(冬堡学院图书馆),书籍任务奖励。
Apocrypha, The Hidden Twilight, ChapterV.
异典(赫玛纳斯 莫拉的湮没领域),潜藏薄暮,第五章(龙裔DLC)
Skill: Conjuration
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随从消失 | 捏脸界面 | 设置中文 | 丢失MSVCP140.DLL |
NPC突然死亡 | 重制版游戏闪退 | 口才训练方法 | 字体无法正常显示 |
沙利多的迷宫 | 地图位置分布 | 回血方式 | 潜弓加点 |
正式作品 | 上古卷轴:竞技场 | 上古卷轴2:匕首雨 | 上古卷轴3:晨风 |
上古卷轴4:湮没 | 上古卷轴5:天际 | 上古卷轴6 | |
DLC&特别版 | 上古卷轴3:血月 | 上古卷轴4:九骑士 | 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 |
其他类型 | 上古卷轴传奇:战争尖塔 |
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