- 来源:3DM
- 作者:batyeah
- 编辑:ChunTian
1. Stealth
Requires: Level 3
The rogue fades from view, stalking the battlefield. Enemies immediately cease attacking the stealthed rogue, although any action beyond movement will break the cover.
Stealth chance: 100%
Movement speed: 60%
duration: 10s
Cost: 20 stamina
Cooldown: 30s
Type: Activated ability
2. Silent Running
Requires: Level 7
Requires: Stealth
Points required in Subterfuge: 2
The rogue no longer suffers a movement penalty while stealthed.
Movement speed: 100%
type: Upgrade
3. Camouflage
Requires: Level 9
Requires: Stealth
Points required in Subterfuge: 3
The rogue now stays hidden for longer, and dropping into stealth is less tiring.
Duration: +5s
Cost: -10 stamina
Type: Upgrade
4. Ambush
Requires: Level 4
Requires: Stealth
Points required in Subterfuge: 2
The rogue executes an automatic critical hit if striking from stealth. This ability also combines with other talents, such as Hail of Arrows or Backstab.
Critical chance: 100% when stealthed
Type: Passive ability
5. Lingering Shroud
Requires: Level 6
Requires: Stealth
Points required in Suberfuge: 2
The rogue is master of concealment. If the rogue is obscured and stealthed at the same time, the rogue is able to take a single action, like making an attack or using an item, while still maintaining stealth. Only the obscure effect is lost. The rogue's second action will still break stealth. When paired with other abilities that enhance stealth. When paried with other abilities that enhance stealth, like Ambush or Shadow Veil, this can be a powerful advantage.
Type: Passive ability
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