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时间:2011-02-23 16:35:26
  • 来源:3DM
  • 作者:batyeah
  • 编辑:ChunTian

5. Hero's Synergy

Requires: Level 11

Requires: Battle Synergy

Points required in Battlemaster: 2

The warrior now makes sacrifices on behalf of other party members, voluntarily suffering damage that the allies would otherwise have suffered themselves.

Damage transfer: +25% from companions to warrior

Type: Upgrade

6. Bolster

Requires: Level 3

Steeling for battle, the warrior takes a deep breath to regain some stamina.

Stamina regeneration: 5%

Type: Activated ability

7. Second Wind

Requires: Level 8

Requires: Bolster

Long years of training grant access to deep reserves of vigor, instantly restoring the warrior's stamina.

Stamina regeneration: 100%

Cooldown: 60s

Type: Activated ability

8. Last Push

Requires: Level 14

Requires: Second Wind

The warrior quickly recuperates from recent exertion.

Effect: Talents currently in cooldown become available more quickly

Type: Upgrade

9. Deep Breath

Requires: Level 12

Requires: Second Wind

Second Wind can be used more frequently.

Cooldown: -15s

Type: Upgrade

10. Deep Reserves

Requires: Level 6

Requires: Bolster

The warrior's extensive combat experience grants great fortitude in battle.

Mana/stamina regeneration rate: +10

Type: Passive ability

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  • 类型:角色扮演
  • 发行:EA
  • 发售:2011-03-08(PC)
  • 开发:BioWare
  • 语言:简中 | 英文
  • 平台:PC PS3 XBOX360
  • 标签:XGP游戏列表

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