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时间:2010-11-08 14:56:00
  • 来源:fantasy_33
  • 作者:batyeah
  • 编辑:ChunTian

25,Q-35 Matter Modulator,特别版电浆步枪;

dmg/attack: 32 DPS: 81 ammo type: Microfusion cells ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 12 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 2 skill req.: 25 repair: Plasma Rifle weight: 7.0 value: 2998

Repconn总部(REPCONN Headquarters)一楼,如果开锁够高的话可以直接开门进去拿,不然要绕一个很大的圈子上3楼下3楼拿到。

Repconn总部里面还是比较绕的,建议开锁高区拿,绕的话只能事先在一楼记住那个房间的位置,在local map里用标记标一下,然后从楼上绕下来找。

26,Euclid's C-Finder

base id: 0014EB3C

这是真正的特别版武器, 在freeside 东门追小女孩的小男孩max手里,在Helios One的任务The lucky old sun中选择给Archimedes II充电,然后可以使用召唤激光,每24小时自动充电一次。


27,The Plasma Caster 1/2代的经典电浆枪

dmg/attack: 65 DPS: 195 attacks/sec: 3 spread: 0.7 crit dmg: 65 crit chance: x 1 ammo type: Microfusion Cell ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 10 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 8 skill req.: 100 AP: 25 item HP: 80 repair: Plasma caster weight: 20 value: 7000 base id: 000906CF

只有Silver Rush有,要么偷要么抢或者你和他们的关系足够好也能买到。

28,Tesla-Beaton prototype,特别版的Tesla cannon;

dmg/attack: 98-100 DPS: 160 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: 1) spread: 0 crit dmg: 55 crit chance: x 2 ammo type: Electron charge pack ammo per shot: 45 ammo capacity: 45 shots/reload: 1 skill: Energy Weapons strength req.: 8 skill req.: 100 AP: 37 item HP: 40 repair: Tesla Cannon weight: 8.00 value: 12,525 base id: 0015a47f

在地图南边靠近Old Nuclear Test Site一处叫CRASHED VERTIBIRD的地方有2批9-10个机器人都是长脚和重型机器人(可能数量和难度有关),干掉他们以后能在飞机下面发现这把武器,大规模杀伤性武器啊。普通版的就Silver Rush有卖。

29,Fat Man

dmg/attack: 236 DPS: 236 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: ) ammo type: Mini Nuke ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 1 skill: Explosives strength req.: 8 weight: 30, 15 with Little Boy kit. value: 5987 base id: 0000432c

能捡到的一共就3把:Cottonwood Crater的一个尸体上找到;在Quarry Junction也有一个,不过有很多死亡爪看守;最后一个在Nopah Cave的一个Super Mutant Master尸体上。此外BOS也有卖。

30,Mercenary's grenade rifle,特别版的grenade rifle;

dmg/attack: 32 DPS: 32 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: 1) ammo type: 40mm grenade ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 1 skill: explosives strength req.: 3 weight: 5.50 value: 300


31,Thump-Thump,特别版grenade rifle;

dmg/attack: 31 DPS: 31 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: ) ammo type: 40mm Grenade ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 1 skill: Explosives repair: Grenade rifle weight: 5.5 value: 761 base id: 001429e2

BOOMER任务Ant Misbehavin中开发动机南边的Nellis Array Generators里面在最下一层,有很多发电机的地方,他就躺在其中一个角落2台发电机中间。

32,Mercy,特别版的Grenade machine gun;

dmg/attack: 50 DPS: 155 attacks/sec: 3.1 spread: 1 crit dmg: 0 crit chance: x 50 ammo type: 40mm Grenade ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 18 shots/reload: 18 skill: Explosives strength req.: 8 skill req.: 100 AP: 50 item HP: 200 repair: Grenade machinegun weight: 15 value: 5200 base id: 0015FFF4

在deathwind cavern里面死掉的BOS成员身上,那里有很多死爪。

33,Annabelle,特别版的missile launcher;

dmg/attack: 76 DPS: 17 attacks/sec: 1 (unmodified: ) ammo type: Missile ammo per shot: 1 ammo capacity: 1 skill: Explosives strength req.: 6 skill req.: 75 repair: Missile Launcher weight: 20.00 value: 3897

杀死Black Mountain广播塔上的一个Nightkin狙击手得到。

34,Holy Frag Grenade;

dmg/attack: 345explosiondamage? skill: Explosives weight: 0.50 value: 500 base id: 0014ea5a

Searchlight City里面的教堂的地下室里面,但是需要有Wild Wasteland trait,如果没有的话哪里只有一个mini nuke。

35,Blade of the East,特别版的大刀;

dmg/attack: 41 DPS: 60 attacks/sec: 1.562 crit dmg: 98 crit chance: x 1 skill: Melee Weapons strength req.: 7 skill req.: 100 repair: Bumper sword weight: 12.00 value: 45 base id: 00143FBA



dmg/attack: 100 DPS: 100.0000 skill: Melee Weapons strength req.: 7 skill req.: 75 AP: 70.00 item HP: 800 repair: Chainsaw weight: 20 value: 2800 base id: 0015fe44

Vault 3的土匪老大有把,Caesar's Legion blacksmith和Veteran Legionaries有小几率也会有。

Camp McCarran里大建筑里能接到任务,让你去剿灭vault3,顺便灭了那个叫runner什么什么的土匪头子,就是这个头子掉。

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