- 来源:BN13-elephantrice
- 作者:newtype2001
- 编辑:ChunTian

(Alien Babble)
Oh god, what are you doing to me? What's that thing? Get it out of me!
Ahhh.... that hurts... oh, please... stop... no.... <grunting>
<growling noises>
(Alien Babble)
啊啊啊啊... 很痛耶... 求求你了... 停... 不要... <机器声>
(Alien Babble)
I can't feel my legs... what did you do to my legs...
...Frank? I can't see you...
<growling noises>
Frank? Frank! What did they do to you?!
<growling noises>
我的腿没有知觉了... 你对我的腿做过甚么了
...Frank? 你在哪里我看不到你...
Frank? Frank? 他们对你做甚么了?
Private Lawrence Mears, U.S. Army Medic, Serial Number 3476511.
(Alien Babble)
Private Lawrence Mears, U.S. Army Medic, Serial Number 3476511.
(Alien Babble and Physical hit)
AGH! Fuck! You... can do what...ever you want to me... I'm not saying jack sh...Stick it where the... sun don't shine...
(Alien Babble and Physical hit)
AGGGH! Oh my g... P-priv.. ate Law-lawrence M..mea..rs. U.S. Ar...army M-m-m...edic...
(Alien Babble and Physical hit)
二等兵 Lawrence Mears,美利坚合众国军医疗兵,编号3475611
二等兵 Lawrence Mears,美利坚合众国军医疗兵,编号3475611
啊!草!无论... 你... 对我... 做什么... 我都不会说... 在不会... 有太阳照耀到... 的地方
啊啊!!天... 二...等兵...Law-lawrence M..mea..rs... 美...美...利坚... 医疗....
12号,这个说实话,有可能是sally,也有可能是她的sister姐姐/妹妹,因为整个流程她都没有向PC透露她究竟是有一个姐姐还是妹妹 = =
我就按姐姐来翻好了... 控萝利的各位可以脑补為妹妹XD
Where am I? Where's my sister?
(Alien Babble)
I can hear some weird noises, but I can't see you. Why is it so dark in here? What's this machine? Please... someone talk to me!
(Alien Babble)
I want to go home! Please! Where's my mommy and daddy?! I just want to go home!
(Alien Babble)
<Sound of a light being turned on>
OW! That's bright! Ugh... wait... what... OH MY GOD! NOOOOOOO! Stay away from me! GET AWAY!
我听到奇怪的声音,不过我看不到你呀,为甚么这裡那么黑呀?这个是什么机器呀?求你了... 有人要跟我说说吗!
阿!那好刺眼!唔... 等一下... 甚么... 天哪不要!!!! 不要靠过来!!! 走开!!!
13号 把这个放到13号阿... 有意思
(Alien Babble)
Hey now. No reason to get yourselves worked up. Whatever you need, I'm going to tell it to you.
(Alien Babble)
Well, I'm pretty sure you want me to talk into this thing, so here goes.
My name is Giles Wolstencroft... I'm the current Assistant Chief Executive Officer of the Vault-Tec Corporation.
I was inspecting the construction site of Vault 76 when I was captured by what I can only assume are alien beings from another world.
I'm not sure what they want from me, or what they will do to me, but whatever they need, I will readily provide.
Perhaps if I can bridge our communication gap and establish a rapport with them, we can enter into an exclusive trade agreement.
In fact, instead of talking to this damn machine, I'm going to attempt to address them directly.
On behalf of the Vault-Tec Corporation, I'd like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you. Wait... you don't need that... wait! WAIT! <zap>
我是Giles Wolstencroft... 我现在是Vault-Tec公司的助理首席执行长(Assistant CEO)。
儅我被绑架的时候我正在视察建设Vault 76的建筑工地。在这个时候我相信在一周的某个角落真的有外星人。
我代表我们Vault -Tec公司,我诚挚欢迎你们的来临。等一下... 不要把那个拿出来.... 等一下! 等!一!下! <电击声>

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