- 作者:不死鸟
- 编辑:ChunTian

Cheat Codes
The following cheat codes are available for Fallout 3 on the personal computer (PC).
To enter a cheat code in Fallout 3 bring up the console by pressing the tilde key ( ~ ), then enter one of the following codes.
按(~)键 输入 例如:tgm
God Mode 无敌
Cheat code: tgm
Add Money (change "X" to amout of money you want) 加钱
Cheat code: player.additem 0000000F "X"
Add # Special Points Special点数
Cheat code: addspecialpoints #
All Map Markers 地图标记
Cheat code: tmm1
Changes Level to set # 设定等级
Cheat code: player.setlevel #
Change Stat by set #
Cheat code: modpca (S.P.E.C.I.A.L) #
Complete Current Quest
Cheat code: GetQuestCompleted
Add a Level of XP 经验值
Cheat code: getXPfornextlevel
No Clipping Mode
Cheat code: tcl
Reward # Karma Points to Player 设定善恶值
Cheat code: rewardKarma #
Set Special Points #
Cheat code: setspecialpoints #
Set Skill Level to #, Max is 100
Cheat code: player.setav<SKILL> #
Set Attribute to #, 1-10 设定属性 例如player.setav Luck 10
Cheat code: player.setav<S.P.E.C.I.A.L.> #
Toggle Free Camera Mode 自由视角
Cheat code: tfc
Turn HUD On or Off
Cheat code: tm
Unlock Selected Lock
Cheat code: unlock
player.setav carryweight #
player.additem #
Big Book of Science 0003403C
Big Book of Science 0002D3A4
Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual 00034045
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine 00034043
Dean's Electronics 0003403D
Duck and Cover! 0006A80C
Footlocker 000199C2
Grognak the Barbarian 00034040
Guns and Bullets 0003403E
Lying, Congressional Style 00034044
Motivational Secrets of the Stars 0002D3A3
Nikola Tesla and You 00034041
Paradise Lost 000BACFE
Pugilism Illustrated 0003403F
Survival Guide Manuscript 0002D3B2
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00034042
Tumblers Today 00034046
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes 00034048
Wasteland Survival Guide 000C5634
You're SPECIAL! 000AB2EF

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