- 作者:zhangyuhao
- 编辑:ChunTian

GHOST = Invisibility.
DISPLAY = Shows all NPC on map.
BINGO = Unlimited ammunition.
WINNER = Win level.
IMMUNITY = Immortality.
BLOOD = See blood.
WEAPON = Get a weapon (+ weapon ID).
MATRIX = Get unlimited slow motion time.
CHROMA = Change the color of one PC on the fly.
OPTIMIZE = Try to optimize the custom memory manager.
CESTLAZONE = Display script zones.
I AM THE WINNER = Win the campaign.
CAMPAIGN = Load campaign values (CAMPAIGN FILENAME).
PCSIGHT = Enable PC view cone.
LIGHT = Display light zones.
REPORT = Complete campaign state report.
SEEKANDDESTROY = Display all seek points.
SARKOZY = Securization of all memory allocation.
LUKAS = Knock out a PC.
WIN = Win this mission.
WAKEUP = When the currently selected NPC is sleeping, he wakes up.
UBIQUITY = Unblip all actors.
STATUS PC = Display the current status of all PC.
STATUS SHADOW = Get Information about the sprite cache.
STATUS HARDWARE = Get information about the hardware used.
STATUS FRAMECACHE = Get info about the sprite caching system.
SPHERE = Display the shadow polygon sphere.
SHADOW = Display the free shadow polygon.
SAN PETRUS = Make all selected PC go to paradise.
ROTER ALARM = Alert all NPCs in the level.
RAILROAD = Display railroads.
PROJECTION = Show all 3D-projection areas.
PAMELA ANDERSON = Make the soldiers stupid in close combat.
NUKE = Kill all opponent in the level.
NOISE = Display ranges of walk noise of the PCs.
MOTION = Show all motion obstacles & doors.
MORPHEUS = Knock out selected NPC.
MISTER SANDMAN = The PCs make a little nap.
LOOSE = Loose this mission.
LEVEL TEXT = Display all texts for the current level.
LAST MAN STANDING = Beam all but the selected NPC to Honolulu.
HONOLULU = Beam the selected NPC to Honolulu.
HIGHLANDER2 = All adversaries become invulnerable.
HIGHLANDER = All PCs become invulnerable.
HELP = Display this help.
HADES = Kill selected NPC
GOLDENEYE = Make all PCs invisible for other characters.
FULLHOUSE = Give all PCs ammunition for all actions.
FREEZE Freeze = unfrost all NPCs in the level.
FORGET = Check the current state of the memory.
FPS = Display the FPS rate.
EZB = Gives money.
EULER = Show the graph of the pathfinder.
ELEVATION = Display bonds (yellow, red when crossed), character
elevation (blue) and character movement (white).
EINSTEIN = Show all 3D-obstacles.
DIES IRAE = Divine intervention against enemies.
COMPANIES = Display the company numbers
CALL = Call a PC’s method
BUD SPENCER = Stun all oponents.
BIG BROTHER = Display some actor infos.
BABYLON = Display all NPC remarks on screen.
AWARE = Display all NPCs.
ALARM = Reinforcement arriving.
AI = Display AI information.

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