- 来源:NGA论坛
- 作者:DesertFFF
- 编辑:空房间的孤寂

-E-Tech TEDIORE 霰弹枪的伤害提高50%
-Firestrom 和 Storm的充能时间下调到1s
-Hollow Point守护者技能被暂时关闭(自伤问题)
Weapon Hotfixes
Sniper Rifles
Sniper rifles deal high damage but felt a little cumbersome to use in certain scenarios. This change will increase their overall damage and increase usability in more combat engagements.
Critical Damage increased by 20%
Fire Rate increased by 15%
Time to Aim Down Sights (ADS) reduced by 15%
Time to Equip reduced by 20%
Jakobs and Torgue Pistols were outperforming other manufacturers, dealing damage to groups of enemies at a much higher rate than other pistols. This change keeps their identity intact but reduces overall group control. TEDIORE, DAHL, and Children of the Vault Pistols have manufacturer penalties that affected their overall damage. Increasing their overall damage will overcome some of the penalties while retaining their unique gameplay style and feel.
Increased damage on all TEDIORE Pistols by 15%
Increased damage on all DAHL Pistols by 15%
Increased damage on all Children of the Vault Pistols by 20%
Reduced damage on Jakobs Pistols by 15%
Reduced damage on Torgue Pistols by 10%
Maliwan Manufacturer
Maliwan weapons had reduced overall damage because they applied elemental DoTs at a rate and damage greatly above other manufacturers. This effect was toned down before launch, but the overall damage was not sufficiently adjusted to compensate for the reduction in elemental DoTs. We're adding back some of the overall damage and making the weapons faster so elemental builds can really take advantage of Maliwan weaponry.
All Maliwan Weapon Damage increased by 25%
All Maliwan Weapon Fire Rate increased by 20%
Atlas Manufacturer
Atlas weapons relied on a game loop that we felt gave players a greater advantage when used correctly. Turns out the loop is not used if the damage doesn't compensate for the time to set up. So now damage on Atlas weapons should facilitate players using them in general on top of feeling badass when they take advantage of Atlas technology.
All Atlas Weapon Damage increased by 25%
Miscellaneous Adjustments
The Jakobs Assault Rifle change was to differentiate the Assault Rifle from the pistol as more of a mid to long range powerhouse. Since the Assault Rifles have low mag sizes compared to other Assault Rifles, they're getting a slight increase to overall damage to compensate. DAHL SMGs had their Fire Rates adjusted down before launch but their damage was never sufficiently increased so they should feel more appropriate compared to other SMGs. And the Vladof Heavy Weapon damage has been increased to share in the full Heavy Weapon treatment.
Jakobs Assault Rifles Damage increased by 20%
DAHL SMG Damage increased by 10%
Vladof Heavy Weapon Damage increased by 25%
E-Tech TEDIORE Shotgun Damage increased by 50%
Legendary Modifications
We're going to be making a larger, comprehensive Legendary gear pass but we have included the following changes. King's and Queen's Call were modified to lower the fire rate. The weapon has a limited burst shot count so overall feel of the gun isn't dramatically affected.
King's and Queen's Call Fire Rate reduced by 50%
Firestorm and Storm base Charge Times were reduced to 1 second (down from 2)
Graveward's beam attacks did not properly scale based on level so at higher levels, the two beam attacks hardly phased players. Players will find his attacks to be more lethal now. In addition, Graveward is a very large enemy and is too easily susceptible to elemental damage unlike the other large bosses. Elemental damage on Graveward is now greatly reduced but to compensate, Graveward's overall health was reduced.
Attacks of Graveward now scale based on level
Reduced overall health by 20%
Increased resistances to Elemental Damage
- Elemental Chance Resistance increased by 70%
- Elemental Resistances increased by 30%
- Elemental DoT Duration taken reduced by 30%
Miscellaneous Changes
Hollow Point Guardian Rank has been temporarily disabled. We plan on addressing this further in a future patch.
Vault Hunters should no longer scream when affected by a DoT while shields are active.
Vending Machines will now be restocked with higher quality "Items of the Day".
Adjusted a visual concern on Maliwan Shotguns with Cryo Element.
Legendary loot drops have been balanced throughout the game. Crew Challenge enemies will drop their intended specific loot, and some enemies like Troy and Rampager will be a bit more stingy and no longer drop Legendaries every kill.
Vault Hunter Adjustments
Zane's gadgets were great at providing additional utility but lacked impact as players leveled up. We increased the Digi-Clone damage with all equipped weapon so the skill can scale better with players as they get to higher levels and harder content. The Drone requires a lot of player involvement to take full advantage of its damage output and increasing the base damage as well as the augments will greatly increase the Drone's versatility and reward players even more for using it effectively.
Digi-Clone Damage Increased by 38%
Drone Damage increased by 50%
- Cryo Bullets damage penalty removed
- Drone Rocket damage increased by 50%
- Almighty Ordnance Rockets damage increased by 75%
Guardian Angel health restoration reduced from 100% to 50%
Glamour damage penalty reduced from -30% to -10%
Guerillas in the Mist's bonuses greatly outweighed its penalty to the base skill. We don't want to remove the playstyle completely, but the overall damage output had to be slightly adjusted because it was outperforming other builds. We're monitoring the changes and may make another change to the ammo return in a future patch.
Guerillas in the Mist duration reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
Guerillas in the Mist Critical Damage Bonus reduced from 50% to 25%

人物介绍 | |||
莫泽 | 阿玛拉 | FL4K | 赞恩 |
加点模拟器 | |||
莫泽 | 阿玛拉 | FL4K | 赞恩 |
技能加点/视频 | |||
莫泽雷电流 | 近战流魔女玩法 | 兽王最强武器打法介绍 | 赞恩开荒技能推荐 |
莫泽1血纯护盾流 |
莫泽开荒技能推荐 |
暴击流兽王 |
杀戮赞恩BD分享 |
莫泽秒杀混乱3Boss | 莫泽无限手雷流 |
综合推荐 | |||
武器厂商特性 | 局内人计划兑换码 | 游戏特色 | 金钥匙兑换码 |
各版本区别 | 控制台领取兑换码 | 狂人套组 | 金钥匙兑换方法 |
背包仓库容量 | 全伤害属性效果 | 伤害克制 | 载具操作方法 |
镒矿矿脉打碎方法 | 职业模组解锁 | 官方基本要领 | 全战友挑战 |
全红宝箱位置一览 |
隐藏7年的彩蛋 | 骰子宝箱开启方法 | 离线使用金钥匙方法 |
卡bug出飞船方法 |
全武器箱位置 | 马库斯地下室开启方法 | 莫西打赏武器 |
常见问题 | |||
卡小吵闹 | Epic改配音 | 离线进入游戏 | 跳过开头动画 |
存档丢失解决办法 | 兽王宠物修改名字 | 武器皮肤更换方法 |
打法攻略 | |||
巨球Boss打法 | 隐藏boss召唤方法 | 基拉伏特打法 | 宝藏丁克定点刷新点 |
受福巨人打法 | 前期速刷橙装地点 |
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