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时间:2019-09-27 10:15:53
  • 来源:NGA论坛
  • 作者:zhangxulaoda
  • 编辑:宅黑真的骚














? [仅PC端]减少瞄具模式中的纹理流送量。

? 修复好友列表中人数较多的部分玩家经常遇到的卡顿问题。

? 改良整体稳定性。


· 修复基拉伏特的“护盾风暴”攻击不会禁用其周围的地面,从而导致整个地面均拥有电击判定的问题。

· 修复任务“巨人的脚步”中可能导致游戏无法继续的问题。

· 修复护卫者等级可能失去作用和/或玩家的护卫者等级代币变为负数的问题。

· 对贩卖机进行修改,其将以稀有度对商品进行排序。

· 主机视场默认设为75。此修改不会对进行中的游戏产生影响。

· 粒子文本的特殊提示(泰迪尔武器、“暴击”、“免疫”)将显示正确的翻译文本。

· 修复部分玩家遇到载具加速会延续到下一张地图的问题。

· 修复“瓷管炸弹”与物体碰撞时发生多次爆炸的问题。

o 此手雷并不能多次爆炸。修复此问题之后,无主之地中的敌人便不会被辐射攻击直接秒杀掉。


· 调整俄语版控制选项画面中“左摇杆”和“右摇杆”的用语。

· 修复部分玩家在UI中使用技能点时无音效播放的问题。

· 在SHiFT账户创建页面中输入无效电子邮件地址时,将正确显示文本“无效”。

· 修复“今日推荐物品”的物品卡显示在贩卖机中之前可能发生的闪烁问题。

· 修复部分玩家遇到的没有未读邮件时仍会出现未读邮件图标的问题。

· 重新绑定控制按键后,铁甲巨熊按钮图标将正确更新。

· 修改疯狂厄尔商店中的诸多功能和元素。

· 修复字幕在最初的过场结束之后才会显示的问题。

· 修复部分玩家遇到社交通知在屏幕上卡住的问题。

· 修复部分物品预览图在储物柜中无法加载的问题。

· [仅PC端]修复部分PC玩家使用手柄进行游戏时,鼠标光标停留在最后移动位置的问题。

· [仅PC端]修复部分PC玩家遇到的光标指向UI中错误位置的问题。


· 修复部分玩家在分屏游戏时切换至ECHO前对话音量变得过低的问题。

· 修复分屏游戏两位玩家的距离过远时,部分玩家2音效变得过低或缺失的问题。

· 修复部分三人组小队与单个玩家无法配对的问题。

· 修复分屏游戏时一个玩家打开ECHO菜单可能影响另一个玩家冲刺动画的问题。

· 修复分屏游戏时一个玩家打开ECHO菜单可能影响另一个玩家瞄具模式的问题。

· 修复少量客户端复制问题:

o 修复缇娜的披萨炸弹在客户端上显示不正确的问题。

o 修改部分音效元素,使其不在客户端上循环播放。

o 修复护卫者等级“亡者手臂”功能不正确的问题。

· 进行任意类型的多人游戏时,玩家图标将固定在小地图的一侧。



[PC Only] Reduced the amount of texture streaming that was occurring when aiming down sights.

Addressed a reported concern where certain users with a lot of people in their friend’s list saw more frequent hitching.

Implementing General stability improvements.

General Fixes and Improvements

Addressed a reported issue where KillaVolt’s Shield Storm attack does not disable the tiles around KillaVolt, resulting in the entire floor being activated (oops).

Addressed a potential progression blocker in the mission “Footsteps of Giants”.

Addressed a reported issue where Guardian Rank had the potential to become non-functional and/or the player could potentially lose Guardian Rank tokens into the negatives.

Modified vending machines so it will now sort items by rarity.

Console FOV is now set to 75 by default. This will not affect players who have already started the game.

Special prompts for particle text (Tediore guns, “critical”, “immune”) are now properly localized.

Addressed a reported concern that certain players experienced where their vehicle’s boost could continue into the next map.

Addressed a reported concern with “Porcelain Pipe Bomb” where it set off multiple explosions when colliding with objects.

This grenade was never meant to explode multiple times. All enemies in the Borderlands universe are now safe from being instantly melted by radioactive poop.


Adjusted the verbiage for “left stick” and “right stick” inside the Russian localized version of the control options screen.

Addressed a reported issue where certain users experienced a failure of the audio to play when spending skill points in the UI.

The text is now correctly marked “invalid” when you enter an invalid e-mail address on the SHiFT account creation page.

Addressed a reported issue where the item of the day item card would flash briefly before displaying on vending machines.

Addressed a reported concern that certain players were served an unread mail icon when they didn’t have mail to read.

Iron Bear button prompts will now correctly update if you re-bind your controls.

Modified various features and elements of Crazy Earl’s store.

Addressed a reported issue where subtitles wouldn’t display until after the initial cutscene.

Addressed an issue experienced by certain players that social notifications could become stuck on-screen.

Addressed a player concern that certain item preview images were failing to load inside the player bank.

Addressed an issue reported by players where the cursor would snap to an unintended location in the UI.

[PC Only] Addressed an issue reported by certain PC players where the focus from the mouse’s last known location was sticking around even when playing with a gamepad.

Splitscreen and Online Multiplayer

Addressed a concern reported by certain players that the dialog volume faded too low before switching to ECHO audio during split-screen gameplay.

Addressed a concern reported by certain players that sounds were quiet or missing for the second split-screen player if they move too far from player one.

Addressed a concern reported by certain players that 3-player groups were having trouble matchmaking with an additional solo player.

Addressed a reported concerned experienced by certain players that in split-screen one player’s sprinting animation could be interrupted by the other player opening the ECHO menu.

Addressed a concern reported by certain players that in split-screen where one player’s aiming down sights could be interrupted by the other player opening the ECHO menu.

Addressed a handful of reported client replication issues:

Addressed Tina’s pizza bomb so it displays correctly for clients.

Modified certain audio elements that were reportedly looping for clients.

Addressed a reported player concern so the Guardian Skill “Dead Man’s Hand” now functions properly.

Player icons are now pinned to the side of the mini-map when playing in any kind of multiplayer.

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  • 类型:第一人称射击
  • 发行:2K Games
  • 发售:2019-09-13(PC)
  • 开发:Gearbox Software
  • 语言:简中 | 繁中 | 英文 | 多国
  • 平台:PC PS4 XBOXONE Stadia
  • 标签:科幻枪战合作

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