- 来源:NGA
- 作者:BlackDn
- 编辑:月色如画

热更新不是永久性的 - 它们在游戏会话期间暂时存储在内存中,并在退出游戏后失效。
为确保您的热更新生效,请确保在Borderlands 3启动时游戏已连网并停留在游戏主菜单一分钟以上。
我们知道以下列表不包括社区关注希望立即解决的问题。我们正在努力测试性能问题并寻找潜在的解决方案。与此同时,这些是我们可以快速完成的一些游戏平衡性更新 -
Ambermire(地点)增加了黄色油漆,方便在任务Sabotage Crew Challenge(挑战任务)中寻路。
在Meridian Metroplex的Halcyon Suborbital Spaceport(在“Space-Laser Tag”任务期间使用)前面的New-U Station现在具有更大的激活范围。
Meridian Metroplex中Titian’s Gate前的New-U Station(在“Atlas,At Last”任务中使用)现在具有更大的激活范围。
在“Beneath the Meridian”任务中,玩家遇到的第一个守护者不再超过你的等级。
Voracious Canopy中的E矿生长频率降低。
A hot fix is automatically applied at the Main Menu when Borderlands 3 is connected to the internet. In general, hot fixes are used to temporarily address issues between major updates. Hot fixes are not permanent they are temporarily stored in memory during the game session and lost upon exiting Borderlands 3. To ensure that you receive hot fixes, make sure that your system is connected to the internet when Borderlands 3 boots up and hang out on the Menu screen for a minute.
Hot Fixes
September 19,2019
We are aware that the below list does not include issues that the community is immediately concerned with. We are hard at work evaluating performance problems and potential solutions for them. In the meantime, these are some balance updates that we can do quickly
Yellow paint has been added to Ambermire to mark a more obvious path to complete the Sabotage Crew Challenge.
The New-U Station in front of the Halcyon Suborbital Spaceport (used during the “Space-Laser Tag” Mission) in the Meridian Metroplex now has a larger activation range.
The New-U Station in front of Titian’s Gate (used during the “Atlas, At Last” Mission) in the Meridian Metroplex now has a larger activation range.
The first Guardian a player runs into during the “Beneath the Meridian” mission is no longer over-leveled.
The Eridian chest by the Grotto in the Jakob’s Estate is no longer invisible.
Eridium crystals in Voracious Canopy grow less frequently.
Scaled down the amount of loot drops in Mayhem Mode.
Torgue shotgun sticky damage has been reduced.
Reduced E-Tech shotgun elemental damage from “flesh off your bones” to “a lot”.
Chupacabratch dropped too much of his hard-earned loot.
Adjusted spawn rate of Loot Tinks in Mansion. They’re special again.
Removed pain-sounds from Troy for his boss fight.
Hotfixes are applied at the Game Menu when you start the game. To ensure that the hotfix has been applied, go to the in-game menu and see if “updates are available” showing.

人物介绍 | |||
莫泽 | 阿玛拉 | FL4K | 赞恩 |
加点模拟器 | |||
莫泽 | 阿玛拉 | FL4K | 赞恩 |
技能加点/视频 | |||
莫泽雷电流 | 近战流魔女玩法 | 兽王最强武器打法介绍 | 赞恩开荒技能推荐 |
莫泽1血纯护盾流 |
莫泽开荒技能推荐 |
暴击流兽王 |
杀戮赞恩BD分享 |
莫泽秒杀混乱3Boss | 莫泽无限手雷流 |
综合推荐 | |||
武器厂商特性 | 局内人计划兑换码 | 游戏特色 | 金钥匙兑换码 |
各版本区别 | 控制台领取兑换码 | 狂人套组 | 金钥匙兑换方法 |
背包仓库容量 | 全伤害属性效果 | 伤害克制 | 载具操作方法 |
镒矿矿脉打碎方法 | 职业模组解锁 | 官方基本要领 | 全战友挑战 |
全红宝箱位置一览 |
隐藏7年的彩蛋 | 骰子宝箱开启方法 | 离线使用金钥匙方法 |
卡bug出飞船方法 |
全武器箱位置 | 马库斯地下室开启方法 | 莫西打赏武器 |
常见问题 | |||
卡小吵闹 | Epic改配音 | 离线进入游戏 | 跳过开头动画 |
存档丢失解决办法 | 兽王宠物修改名字 | 武器皮肤更换方法 |
打法攻略 | |||
巨球Boss打法 | 隐藏boss召唤方法 | 基拉伏特打法 | 宝藏丁克定点刷新点 |
受福巨人打法 | 前期速刷橙装地点 |
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