战锤末世鼠疫2 1.04版本大更新内容一览
- 来源:Ee76
- 作者:白小白
- 编辑:ChunTian

Welcome to Patch 1.0.4. This patch includes various fixes and tweaks, stability improvements and balance adjustments. The changelist is as follows:
欢迎来到1.0.4版本.本次更新包括一些修复、调整,游戏稳定性与平衡调整. 更新列表如下:
One of our areas of focus have been the Skittergate level and the end fight. This patch solves many of the bugs we have been made aware of.
我们着重于修改的地图之一就是Skittergate以及其最终的战斗. 本次更新修复了许多我们已知的BUG
Players’ buffs and talents will not be removed when they move through the portal.
Fixed issues with the final boss’ HP bar showing negative values for clients.
Fixed issues with some of the animated props in the level, where their state would not be synchronized to joining clients.
The final boss will no longer get stuck in corners, or spawn outside the combat area.
Fixed a crash when the final boss would cast a spell on a player that left the game.
The final boss fight on Skittergate is divided into two stages. The duration of the fight should now be more equal between both parts.
Skittergate上的最终BOSS战被分为了两个阶段. 两部分的战斗时间将更平均.
The boss in the first stage of the final fight on Skittergate is now more resistant to burst attacks, but deal less damage with his guns. The boss in the second stage has had his health reduced by around a third.
最终BOSS战的第一阶段对于爆发伤害有了更多的抗性,但是它的枪的伤害被降低. 第二阶段的BOSS生命值减少了三分之一左右.
Spawning of enemies during the final boss fight on Skittergate has been tweaked to reduce the frequency of certain enemy types, such as Berserkers and shielded units.
最终BOSS战时刷出的部分类型的小怪被降低了刷新频率. 比如狂战士以及持盾的怪
Burblespue Halescourge
Bubblespit Halleberry turned out a bit harder and more unforgiving compared to the other Lords, mainly because of unavoidable attacks and a high health pool.
Bubblespit Halleberry这货表现的有点强,相比于其他关底BOSS更令人难忘,主要是因为他的无法避开的攻击以及超TM厚的血量
We still want this fight to be challenging and different from the other lords, but we’re tuning the Burgersnot fight to make it more fair and balanced.
Max health reduced by 10% for all difficulties.
Plague Wave - the green illusions. The angle has been increased for the triple Plague Wave attack, allowing players more space when avoiding it.
瘟疫波 - 也就是BOSS的技能,那个自身爆出一堆绿色幻象的. 三重瘟疫波攻击的角度被加大,使得玩家有更多空间来闪避.
Plague Wave can now be dodged more efficiently by lowering the impact radius when the player is dodging.
Lowered Number of Berserkers spawned on Legend difficulty from 5 to 3.
Lowered number of Marauders spawned on Champion and Legend when spawning with Berserkers and Chaos Warriors.
Balancing Spawns
We’re tweaking how we spawn roamers. There is now a smoother distribution of elites in general. We were a bit heavy on armored types on the higher difficulties.
我们在调整野怪的刷新. 大体上精英怪的分部更为平滑(不知道怎么说了...完全不懂这个平滑不平滑的区别).我们之前对于装甲敌人在高难度上的刷新量有点过了.
We are also making tweaks to how we spawn specials, e.g. Gutter Runners, Warpfire Throwers, and Hook Rats. Each time you play a level, the Conflict Director divides the level into segments, which primarily spawn either Skaven or Chaos enemies, or a mix of both.
我们也在调整特殊敌人的刷新, 刺客,喷火鼠,以及钩鼠. 每当你开始一次游戏,战斗导演(大概是和L4D那个实时调整难度的玩意儿一样的东西)会将关卡分为几段,刷新出鼠人,或者纳垢僵尸,或者两者的混合.
·Recruit Difficulty
Removed double chance of disabler specials for Skaven segments.
·Veteran Difficulty
Removed double chance of disabler specials for Skaven segments.
Increased time between specials spawn for Chaos segments, it was a bit lower than other segments.
·Champion Difficulty
Removed the increased chance for spawning disabler specials.
Increased time between specials spawn slightly for Mixed and Skaven segments.
·Legend Difficulty
Removed the increased chance for spawning disabler specials.
Increased time between specials spawn for Skaven segments.
Increased time between specials spawn for Chaos segments just a smidge, since they have a lower total special allowance anyways.
We also fixed an issue on Legend difficulty with the amount of horde waves using the default Recruit settings. We should now correctly spawn hordes across no fewer than three waves with timing tweaked specifically for the Legend experience. Enjoy
我们也修复了传奇(天劫)难度下,刷新一大波敌人(鼠潮啊,尸潮啊,鼠尸潮啊,尸鼠潮啊balabala的)时使用的是萌新难度(第一个难度)配置的问题.现在应该会刷新至少三波敌人,以及专门为传奇难度调整了刷新时间. 享♂受吧:3
Overall, the balance changes to Legend provide a more varied, fair, and fun experience on the higher difficulty setting, with three times the size of hordes for good coop fun.
The way we tweak Specials also improve the variations of enemies, but at the same time we’ve increased timings to make for less spammy playthroughs.
Stay tuned to a future dev-stream with all the details on the Conflict Director!
Fixes / Tweaks
Fixed an issue when the Bile Troll would get stuck in an animation loop while it was crouching, or when it was close to certain walls.
Tweaked some attacks of the Bile Troll to not trigger when the troll does not have line of sight to the player.
Fixed a bug that would cause the Rat Ogre to rapidly perform his shove attack.
修复了一个导致鼠巨魔会迅速使出推击的BUG (并不清楚推击是哪种攻击)
Fixed an issue when the Chaos Spawn would get stuck while grabbing a player while all other players are knocked out or dead.
The Leech Sorcerer should no longer damage his target before grabbing it, i.e. teleporting onto a player will no longer damage them.
水蛭巫师(会传送到你视野盲区然后抓你吸你灵魂,有时候智障的传送到你脸前的那个,由于这是我第一次接触战锤,并不清楚应该翻译成什么名字)不会再在抓取玩家之前对玩家造成伤害了(我有一次就因为这个伤害翻车了), i.e.(不清楚是啥)传送到玩家上时不会再对玩家造成伤害
Beam staff now determine crits for each overcharge tick (each 0.45 seconds) instead of for the duration of the attack. This change was made in order to ensure a predictable crit rate that could not be manipulated.
激光类法杖现在根据过热条增长来判定暴击(每0.45秒判定一次),以前是根据攻击持续时间.这个改动是为了确保暴击不再是人为可控的(猜自己接下来肯定出暴击. 我没玩过法师所以不清楚具体情况)
Fixed Fencing sword pistol shot to not do less damage when critting.
When attack speed buffs ended during melee attacks it caused the attack to not count. This was more obvious with slow sweeping weapons. Attacks will now retain any attack speed buffs they had when starting the action.
当攻速BUFF在你近战挥动动作过程中结束后,该次攻击不享受BUFF加成.这个在攻速慢的武器上更明显. 现在BUFF效果会在你攻击动作开始后就赋予本次攻击.也就是不会再出现这种情况了.
Fixed an issue when crossbows sometimes fires twice, when under effects that remove ammo cost - such as the Bounty Hunters crit talent.
修复了有时候弩在不消耗弹药BUFF下回连发2次的问题, 比如赏金猎人的暴击天赋(对,就是针对尼)
Fixed Kruber’s Huntsman Career Skill to correctly reset the FOV after deactivating.
Fixed an issue where shotguns with “critical strike effectiveness” were incorrectly getting an increase to power level when critting on top of the extra boost damage.
修复了有着“critical strike effectiveness”(应该是一个橙装属性)的霰弹枪在有额外加成伤害时暴击会错误的获得power等级的加成(这段太长了我总感觉我翻的意思不对...)
Added over 2000 new missing localized subtitles for voice over, in all languages.
增加了超过2000条缺失的字幕, 所有语言都增加了.(之前玩的时候经常看语音和字幕的话不符..)
Some of the Bile Troll’s attacks would still damage a player even if the attack was blocked. This was a bit too punishing. We removed this effect on some of the troll’s faster attacks, like the shove.
Decreased the amount of troll projectile-vomit to 20 liters.
将巨魔的抛射呕吐技能的量降低到20升Stability / Performance
Fixed a rare crash on startup that happened when the game process had restricted thread affinity,
修复了一个罕见的游戏程序在restricted thread affinity情况下启动时会崩溃的问题(不懂网络方面的东西,所以这个词我不清楚是啥)
Fixed a rare crash on startup on laptops with dedicated GPU.
Fixed a crash when Loot Rats were damaged on the end event explosions of Athel Yenlui and Righteous Stand, or when getting hit by a Plague Claw projectile on Fort Brachsenbrücke.
修复了钩鼠在 Athel Yenlui和Righteous Stand这两张地图上受到结束阶段时爆炸的伤害,或者在Fort Brachsenbrücke这张地图上被Plague Claw projectile(瘟疫爪弹??)击中,导致游戏瞬间爆炸的问题.
Fixed an issue where it would take a long time for the Halescourge end fight to trigger.
Fixed a rare crash when hitting the body part of an enemy that had been pulped by another player.
Fixed rare crash when removing the smoke cloud from Bardin’s Ranger Veteran Career Skill.
Fixed a crash when warpfire flames hit the summoning sorcerers in the end event in Convocation of Decay.
修复了游戏会在Convocation of Decay这张地图的最后阶段里,喷火鼠的火焰击中举行仪式的巫师时崩溃的问题
Fixed a crash that could happen if a player leaves while an enemy tries to play attack dialogue.
修复了游戏会在敌人尝试攻击玩家时,玩家离开游戏的情况下崩溃的问题(tries to play attack dialogue应该是这个吧..)
Fixed a crash when dead players drop a long way and try to spawn their equipped pickup items (tomes, first aid kits, potions, etc.)
Fixed a crash for other players when starting a flamethrower attack (Drakegun or Flamestorm Staff) and switching to a melee weapon immediately afterwards.
Fixed a crash when voting for a mission while a player vote kick is active.
Fixed rare crash when switching ranged weapons as Kerillian Waystalker and having the Vaul's Quiver talent selected.
修复了一个罕见的游戏会在玩家使用迷踪客装备Vaul's Quiver(15级中天赋)天赋,切换远程武器时崩溃的问题
Fixed a rare crash in the sound system.
Outlines that intersect with screen edges no longer create an outline on the left and right sides.
FXAA is now applied to outlines.
The game now applies the “Sharpness Filter” render settings directly without requiring a restart.
现在游戏开启Sharpness Filter(锐度过滤器?)这一选项时不需要重启游戏了.

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