- 来源:BN13-elephantrice
- 作者:newtype2001
- 编辑:ChunTian

Female voice: What are we gonna do? They just threw me in this cell with you after they poked and prodded me and now I just hope they won't kill us.
Male voice: Just take it easy. If they wanted us dead, we'd be dead. They must need something from us.
Female voice: Yeah! They need us for FOOD or something! You saw that guy! He was all... cut open... like he'd been butchered! Oh my god! We're gonna be next!
Male voice: Hey! I said, calm down! If they hear you they may come for us. Try and take it easy!
Female voice:NO! GET US THE HELL OUT OF HERE! <pounding noise> SOMEONE! GET US OUT! PLEASE! <pounding noise>
Male voice: I said to SHUT UP! <slap>... I'm... I'm sorry I did that. Please, forgive me. But we need to keep our heads on straight if we're going to survive.
Female voice: (crying) Please, please. I just want to go home... I just want to go home...
女声:对!他们应该是把我们当作食物会甚么的!你看那家伙!他就一整个... 被切开了... 就像被屠宰了一样!天哪!我们就要变成下一个了!
女声:不要!带我离开这个鬼地方!! (打墻)有人吗?救我们出去!!求你了!!
男声:我说闭嘴!!!!<打了女的一个耳光> 对... 对不起。请原谅我。不过我们要生存下去我们就要时刻保持头脑清醒。
女声:(哭)求求你,求求你,我只是要回家... 我只是要回家...
如果把我跟我ex gf放在一起的话,可能就会重现以上的情景了吧
Well this is just ridiculous! I demand to see whomever's in charge!
(Alien Babble and Physical hit)
AGGHH! What the? Do you have any idea who your dealing with?
(Alien Babble and Physical hit)
AGGHH! Stop it! I am a U.S. Senator and I warn you. If any harm comes to me, you'll bring the full wrath of the U.S. Military upon yourselves.
(Alien Babble)
What? Where are you taking me? Get your god damn hands off me! You'll all pay for this. The U.S. doesn't bargain with aliens...
真是荒唐! 我要见你们的领导!!
I'm Holly Barrisford, a linguistics specialist for the U.S.S.A. I think I'm beginning to understand you, but you need to stop shocking me!
(Alien Babble)
Damn. I wish you could understand me. <Alien Noises>. Do you understand?
(Alien Babble)
That's it. You get it. I mean you no harm, I just want to learn how to speak with you. Then perhaps we can discuss what you need from us.
(Alien Babble)
What are you doing with that needle? No! Get it away from me! NO! PLEASE! We can be friends! You don't need to... ahhhhh.
我是Holly Barrisford,美国太空总署的语言学专家。我觉得我已经开始明白你们的语言,不过请你们不要再电我了!
唉.. 我真的希望你能明白我说甚么。<模仿外星人语> 你们明白吗?
你想要用那跟针做甚么?不要!把它拿开!! 不要! 求你了! 我们可以做朋友!没有必要... 啊啊啊啊...
(Alien Babble)
Our defenses consist of 3 battalions of light infantry, 34
pieces of field artillery, 108 armored vehicles and 42
aerial vehicles.
(Alien Babble)
We have 38 ICBM's always on alert and ready to fire when
the word is passed down from the White House.
(Alien Babble)
The codes to activate the launch sequences are... are...
uhhngh.... no... I can't let you... uggh... get out of my mind!
(Alien Babble)
Agggh! The c-codes... are... ugh.... no... I can't betray... AGH!
My head! I can't... won't... AGGGGH! agggh...
发射导弹的密码是... 是... 呜啊啊啊... 不可以... 我不能让你们... 从我的思绪里面出去!!
啊啊啊啊!! 密码是... 是... 唉... 不可以... 我不可以背叛... 唔唉!!
我的头!! 我不可以... 绝对不会... 啊啊啊啊!! 啊啊....
Just wait until I tell Marsha and Karen about this! Imagine... I'm actually on a SPACEship!
(Alien Babble)
Oh, they're pointing at... oh, talk in to this? What is this? Is this the space phone? Hey Marsh, this is Janet, you will NEVER guess where I am. Never. Ohhhhh... I wish I could hear you but I'll just tell you. I'M IN SPACE! I was driving along the highway when there was this light... and suddenly, I'm on this real spaceship! No joke! Now all these little green men are making all these noises and pointing at stuff trying to talk to me! I bet I'm the first one they've met! So I figure I'll talk with them a while, then I'll join you later and I can tell you all about it over lunch! Oh, if I only had my camera. Well, they're pointing at some table with all sorts of gizmos sticking out of it. Gotta go! Kisses!
<Kissing Noises>
等一下我要把这裡的事情跟marsha还有karen讲!你想想... 我真的就上来一艘太空船上面了耶!
哦,他们指著... 喔,对著这个讲吗?这啥?太空电话吗?嘿Marsha,我是Janet啊,你绝对猜不到我现在在哪。你绝对猜不到。喔... 我真想聼到你说甚么不过我先跟你讲吧。我 在 太 空 中!我就在高速上开车的时候就看到这光... 然后突然就,我突然就在这太空船上了!没骗你啊!现在这些小绿人又吵又闹的又指来指去一直想要跟我说话呀!我呀觉得我应该是他们见到的第一个!所以我想我要跟他们先聊一下,等一下我就去你那里然后我们整个午饭时间我都可以跟你讲现在的事情。喔,现在如果我有相机就好了啦。对了,他们正在指著一个桌子上面有一些小东西在上面。要走嘍!亲一个!
This is my final message. If this doesn't work, I hope someone gets this recording and can bring it back to Earth.
I've been able to figure out how to use some of the alien devices, like this recorder, and I think I know what they want with our world.
They mean to take as many of us as they can and change us into... some sort of abomination. Many have been killed because of their experiments.
They've been keeping us in cells, and then moving us one by one to their experimentation labs. I've managed to escape, but they are looking for me.
You've got to send help up here. As far as I can tell, they're never going to stop until they've captured hundreds... maybe thousands of us.
The good news is that they're totally reliant on technology. Without it, they're no tougher than you or I.
A small, well-equipped force could take this ship and free all of the prisoners on board. That's your best chance.
I've got to keep moving, so I need to hide this tape. Good luck to all of us, and godspeed.
他们是要尽可能的把我们抓起来,然后把我们变成... 猛男(不要在这裡来乱啦,是憎恶才对)。 我们中的很多人已经在试验里面死去。
(Alien Babble and Physical Hit)
Oh man... what did you... why can't I feel my arms...
...wait... are those... are those MY ARMS? WHAT DID YOU DO?
(Alien Babble and Physical Hit)
喔拜托... 你怎么... 我的手没知觉...
等一下... 那... 那是我的手!!??? 你们再干嘛??!!
天哪!! 装回去!!! 给我装回去!!!
21号 sally的第二段录音
Hello, Mr. Alien. Yeah, I know... I'll talk into the thing.
I don't know why you brought me back here. We've done this a whole bunch of.... Hey! Giddyup Buttercup! Wow!
I always wanted one of those!... Why do you have one?
I don't understand... What do you want? It's a toy. A TOY. Why are you so excited? You're weird.
你好,外星人先生,对,我知道... 我会对那东西说的
我不知道为什么你会把我带到这裡。我们之前都已经... 嘿!木马玩具!!! 哇!!!
我一直都想要一个!! 为甚么你们会有一个!!
我不懂... 你要干嘛?那是一个玩具。玩!具!为甚么你们看起来那么兴奋?神经病。
22号 终于,狱友somah,从录音内容上看,她很有可能是一个雇佣兵/奴贩
(Alien Babble)
Oh, no way, no way. This is a bad dream right? I'm dreaming. Shit. So what, I'm being held hostage now or something? I'm some kind of prisoner? Listen. If this is because of what they did, I just work for those guys, ok? It's not like I enjoyed it. I was just in it for the caps, alright? Can I go now?
(Alien Babble)
(Alien Babble)
Please... just please, let me go...
<mechanical sounds>
求你.... 求求你,放我走
(Alien Babble)
(Alien Babble)
(Alien Babble)
肚子饿的是我家的猫... 好给你吃给你吃
Oh man I've seen this on TV......
(Alien babble)
You're going to eat me, aren't you? I'm like sort of delicacy on your planet right? RIGHT? Well I hope you choke! I hope you stuff your stupid little green faces and choke to death! Unless this is like the other show where I get put in to some sort of weird alien zoo... that might be ok.....
你是要把我吃掉对吧?我是你们星球上的一道佳肴没错吧?对我就希望你噎死!! 我就想让你那白痴的小绿脸面容扭曲然后噎到死!!除非我是像别的一些节目那样子被放在一些怪异的外星人动物园里... 那还过得去...
至於大家要求的小日本嘛... 我真的没有啥办法...
二来我的那些质料源自wiki,wiki没有的我也真的没有办法... 抱歉让大家失望了

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